The second installment of the five-part comic book miniseries Star Wars: Han Solo, published by Marvel, is titled Han Solo 2. Marjorie Liu wrote the story, and Mark Brooks created the artwork for the issue, which was made available on July 6, 2016.
- Han Solo is now engaged in the space race of his dreams: the DRAGON VOID ! [2]
- However, his real purpose is an undercover assignment: locating a traitor within the Rebellion. [2]
- Accompanied by the Wookiee warrior Chewbacca, can they identify the mole before they are caught in danger? [2]
The announcer broadcasts live from the Dragon's Nest, providing commentary on the initial segment of the Dragon Void Run, where spacecraft must outpace rocket-propelled probes carrying mines. Delan Vook attempts to evade a probe, while the Sotna Reat and Nowk Asil utilize their starship's pulse to outrun another probe. Simultaneously, the venerable Loo Re Anno powers down her engines and patiently awaits the race's progression. Aboard the Millennium Falcon, Han Solo instructs Chewbacca to redirect power to their engines, enabling them to dodge the space mines.
Delan Vook overtakes the Falcon, employing the freighter as a shield before circling back to engage the probes. The Falcon becomes entangled in the ensuing crossfire. Solo retaliates by clipping Vook's ship, temporarily disabling it. Reflecting on the race's inherent risks, Solo deduces that the probes exclusively target moving vessels. He directs Chewbacca to deactivate the Falcon's engines, causing the pursuing probes to veer off and leave the ship undisturbed.
Having successfully navigated the initial obstacle, Solo and Chewbacca guide the Falcon through the static barrier. Loo Re Anno affixes a grappling hook to the Falcon, allowing her ship to piggyback on Solo's vessel. The announcer commends Solo's resourcefulness. Lady Re Anno expresses her gratitude to Solo, but he remains aloof, viewing her as a cheater for hitching a ride on the Falcon. As the four remaining ships approach the first planet for their stop, the announcer remarks that he has never witnessed such a closely contested race so early in the competition.
Upon landing on the first planet of the Dragon Void Run, Solo resolves to confront Vook. Chewbacca urges him to prioritize the mission, but Solo is determined to reprimand the Pantoran pilot. He instructs Chewbacca to proceed and assures him that he will catch up. A blonde human woman with green hair and a cybernetic implant notices the pair.
Solo accosts Vook, accusing the Pantoran of endangering his life. Vook retorts that he was defending himself against the mines and that the Falcon was obstructing his path. Solo, enraged by Vook's deliberate attack, warns him to stay away from his ship. Eavesdropping on the confrontation, Lady Loo Re Anno reminds Vook that attacking another pilot or tampering with a ship constitutes grounds for disqualification. She lectures Vook that the race transcends personal vendettas and that the race is pure.
As Solo ventures into the settlement in search of Chewbacca, a Dug smuggler cautions Solo that he has attracted unwanted attention. Shortly thereafter, an Imperial Lambda-class shuttle touches down in the spaceport. Solo attempts to escape down a flight of stairs but is apprehended by a pair of stormtroopers.
Meanwhile, Chewbacca overhears news that the Empire has intervened to halt the perilous Dragon Void race. He overhears a Duros named Bot and a Falleen named Grega discussing the Empire's recent decision to detain pilots mid-race. Chewbacca approaches the pair and displays a cloth emblazoned with the symbol of the Rebel Alliance. Grega expresses surprise at encountering a Wookiee but recognizes Chewbacca as Solo's co-pilot.
Grega consumes a red object. The rebel spy Bot is wary of Chewbacca and insists that Grega is responsible for his safety. Grega responds that she is doing a great job in not bringing attention to himself. She explains that she was tasked with delivering Bot to the contact, which she has accomplished. She assures him that Chewbacca is known for safeguarding individuals. Several spacers notice Chewbacca.
As they depart, Bot confesses that he is too apprehensive to trust Chewbacca. The Wookiee places a reassuring hand on him, prompting Bot to cease speaking. The two are confronted by the blonde woman with a cybernetic implant, who fires a warning shot. She orders Chewbacca to leave. Bot panics and is shot in the shoulder by the woman. As she pursues Chewbacca, she is repelled by the other spacers, including Grega, who believe that she is a sore loser who cannot accept defeat.
As stormtroopers round up the Dragon Void racers, an irate mob forms and demands the pilots' release. Vood attempts to leverage his status to intimidate a stormtrooper, while Loo Re Anno remarks to Solo that she had not anticipated her final race to unfold in this manner. Sotna demands that a stormtrooper release her.
When Loo Re Anno releases several luminous orbs, Solo instructs Loo Re Anno to mind her own affairs and keep her tech to herself. She clarifies that the orb is not a piece of technology or a spy but merely provides illumination. Vood remonstrates with his stormtrooper captor, denouncing the Empire for violating their rights. The stormtrooper strikes Vood with his blaster pistol, prompting Solo to intervene and assault the stormtrooper. Before further violence erupts, an Imperial officer named Tomine orders them to cease, adding that they do not want to shed blood on camera.
Although the main cover for the physical edition of the comic is Lee Bermejo's artwork, Marvel employs an alternative version of the Tula Lotay variant cover in digital editions.
- UPC 759606081455; July 6 , 2016 ; Marvel Comics [1] 00211; Cover A; Lee Bermejo[1] 00221; Cover B; Michael Allred[1] 00231; Cover C; Tula Lotay[1] 00241; Cover D; Lucasfilm Ltd.[4]