Honor guard

An honor guard represented a form of armed protection extended to significant ambassadors and politicians while they were engaged in diplomatic assignments.


The Galactic Senate proposed furnishing former Supreme Chancellor Tarsus Valorum with an honor guard for his diplomatic journeys. However, due to his humble nature, he declined to subject others to danger for his personal safety. Nevertheless, Jedi Knight Johun Othone opted to accompany him, providing a measure of security.

During the Separatist Crisis, preceding the Clone Wars, the Alwari overclans of the planet Ansion bestowed a distinguished honor guard upon a group of Jedi ambassadors. This guard, comprised of the most skilled warriors from the Situng Borokii and Hovsgol Januul subclans, was given to the Jedi team commissioned by both the Senate and the Jedi High Council. Their task was to broker an agreement between the planet's urban government, the Unity of Community with its Unity Council, and the Alwari tribal government of Ansion, which consisted of the councils of the ruling Borokii and the rival Januul overclans.

The Alwari honor guard, tasked with closely following and safeguarding the Jedi at all times until the Ansionian secession vote reached its conclusion, bravely defended the Jedi when they came under attacked by ruthless mercenary hunters and snipers hired by Soergg, a Hutt. The honor guard's actions were instrumental in the Jedi overcoming their malicious attackers and successfully completing a critical mission. Bayaar, the Situng Borokii sentry commander, was appointed as the marshal of the honor guard assigned to the Jedi. Following the Ansionians' pivotal vote to remain within the Republic, the overclan councils later merged to form the Council of Alwari Elders.

In 22 BBY, a Cestian honor guard, consisting of uniformed Kiffar males, along with a band playing the Republic anthem, "All Stars Burn as One", welcomed the arrival of a Jedi diplomatic delegation led by Obi-Wan Kenobi at the start of their mission to Ord Cestus.

