Second skirmish in Cuipernam

In the year 22 BBY, a minor battle erupted in Cuipernam, the capital city of the planet Ansion, during a diplomatic mission undertaken by the Jedi Order. This clash unfolded not long after Jedi Masters Luminara Unduli and Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with their respective Padawans Barriss Offee and Anakin Skywalker, made their way back to Cuipernam. They were returning to share the news of their successful negotiation of an agreement between the Borokii and the Januul, two warring Alwari overclans. The Jedi, accompanied by Kyakhta, Bulgan, and Tooqui, their allies, sought refuge in the same inn where they had previously lodged before their quest to find the Alwari. It was there that they discovered a vote was scheduled for that day to determine Ansion's allegiance to the Republic.

A mere three minutes after the Jedi and their companions departed for the municipal building, the location where the Unity of Community (Ansion's governing body) was to hold the vote, the inn was destroyed by an explosion. On their journey, the group was ambushed by mercenaries dispatched by Soergg the Hutt, a bossban with ties to Shu Mai of the Commerce Guild. These hired soldiers forced the Jedi into a building, where snipers were positioned to kill them upon their exit. Fortunately, the timely arrival of an honor guard composed of warriors from both the Borokii and Januul overclans saved the Jedi from certain doom. The Alwari warriors swiftly neutralized the snipers and began to systematically eliminate the remaining mercenaries.


During the escalating Separatist Crisis of 22 BBY, which saw numerous star systems break away from the Galactic Republic to establish the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, alongside Presidente Shu Mai of the Commerce Guild, conspired to orchestrate the secession of the planet Ansion from the Republic.

Ansion's strategic location meant that its departure from the Republic would trigger a domino effect, leading to the secession of numerous other worlds due to a network of interconnected treaties. To avert this outcome, the Jedi Order deployed Jedi Masters Luminara Unduli and Obi-Wan Kenobi, together with their respective Padawans, Barriss Offee and Anakin Skywalker, on a diplomatic mission. Their objective was to persuade the Unity of Community, Ansion's governing body headquartered in the capital city of Cuipernam, to maintain its allegiance to the Republic. The Unity's decision hinged on the Jedi's ability to broker a treaty with the planet's indigenous Alwari clans, the nomadic Ansionians. The Jedi successfully negotiated an agreement with the Borokii and Januul overclans, stipulating that the Alwari would share governance with the Unity over a significant portion of their ancestral lands.

Following the successful negotiation of this arrangement, the Jedi and their companions – Ansionians Kyakhta and Bulgan, and the Gwurran Tooqui – made their way back to the inn where they had previously stayed before venturing out in search of the Alwari. While at the inn, they learned from the Dbarian inn manager that the vote regarding secession was scheduled to occur that day. After attempting to contact Unity members via comlink, they discovered that United Ouruvot Communications, the relevant municipal entity, had disabled all communications within the city. Subsequently, the Jedi and their companions proceeded towards the municipal hall, where the secession vote was to be held. In the meantime, Soergg the Hutt, the Cuipernam bossban allied with Shu Mai, instructed his majordomo, Ogomoor, to prevent the Jedi from interfering with the vote by any means necessary.

The Confrontation

A mere three minutes elapsed after the Jedi's departure before the inn was consumed by an explosion. Despite this setback, the diplomatic party continued their journey on foot towards the municipal hall. As they progressed, Master Unduli detected a disturbance in the Force and silently alerted Masters Kenobi, Offee, and Skywalker. Kenobi, in turn, warned Kyakhta and Bulgan, although the Jedi decided against informing Tooqui, fearing it would only incite panic. Suddenly, snipers under Ogomoor's command opened fire from the rooftops. The Jedi deflected the incoming shots and swiftly sought cover within a large trading establishment along with their companions. Ogomoor ordered his mercenaries to pursue the Jedi into the building, intending to force them back onto the street, where the snipers could eliminate them with ease. Dozens of professional killers stormed into the building and unleashed a barrage of fire, disregarding the safety of civilian bystanders. A Vrot mercenary attempted to ambush Unduli from behind, but Tooqui, Kyakhta, and Bulgan intervened, preventing the attack.

Unduli and Kenobi determined that retreating onto the street was the best course of action to safeguard the civilians inside the building. Ogomoor instructed the snipers to allow the Jedi to return to the street before resuming their fire. One sniper inquired about eliminating Tooqui, Kyakhta, and Bulgan, but Ogomoor dismissed the concern, stating that others on the ground would handle them, and that the snipers should focus on eliminating Kenobi and Unduli first, followed by their Padawans. However, before the snipers could carry out their orders, elite honor-guard warriors from both the Situng Borokii and the Hovsgol Januul, led by Bayaar, a clan member of the Situng Borokii, descended upon them. The Alwari quickly overwhelmed the snipers and began systematically eliminating the remaining mercenaries, forcing Ogomoor to flee.

The Aftermath

As the surviving mercenaries scattered, Bayaar informed the Jedi that he had been dispatched with warriors from both the Borokii and the Januul to ensure their protection. The honor guard under his command represented a gift to the Jedi from the united Alwari councils.

Following his failure to eliminate the Jedi, Ogomoor, dreading the prospect of reporting yet another failure to Soergg, barged into the municipal building while the Jedi were meeting with the Unity of Community prior to their vote. He claimed to possess information that would be valuable in their decision-making process regarding secession. However, before Ogomoor could present the recording containing what appeared to be incriminating evidence, Soergg fatally shot him. The Hutt claimed that he had no way of knowing Ogomoor's intentions when his majordomo reached into his pocket for what could have been a weapon. The shot that killed Ogomoor also destroyed the recording. Despite this, and to the Hutt's dismay and fury, the Unity Council proceeded to vote in favor of remaining within the Republic.

Behind the Curtains

This skirmish was initially depicted in the 2002 novel The Approaching Storm, authored by Alan Dean Foster.

