Jumptroopers, also known by the names skytroopers, rocket troopers, or air assault troopers, represented a specialized type of stormtrooper. Their training focused on operations in airborne environments, such as Bespin's Cloud City, or deployment to battle zones characterized by difficult terrain. They carried substantial firepower, typically in the form of diverse projectile launchers or heavy blaster rifles.
The concept for these troopers was inspired by units such as the Galactic Republic's Rocket-Jumper Elite Advance Unit, a group of highly skilled soldiers specializing in airborne assaults, and the Grand Army of the Republic's Clone Jet Troopers. Even decades after the Battle of Endor, Supreme Commander Gilad Pellaeon's Imperial Remnant continued to deploy them.
Jumptroopers functioned as air-to-ground assault specialists, trained to engage enemies positioned in the air, in fortified positions, or in locations that were otherwise difficult to reach. They also received training in hit-and-run tactics, where they would launch ambushes from above. Frequently, they provided aerial support for standard stormtrooper units during large-scale engagements. They were the primary Imperial force tasked with maintaining order on low-gravity planets or on atmospheric platforms like Cloud City.
Many of these soldiers were equipped with modified stormtrooper armor. This specialized gear included breathing hoses connected to the chest unit and a helmet resembling that worn by Clone Commander CC-224. Some jumptroopers wore stormtrooper armor adorned with red markings, along with black shoulder pads and elements resembling clone trooper chest plates. The helmet featured a black "v" shape on the forehead, a single red line, and two red lights near the chin. Later versions of the troopers would wear more heavily armored suits.

They had the capability to utilize either jump packs or jetpacks for aerial mobility. Notably, they used AJP-400 Jet Packs or JT-12 Jetpacks. The jetpacks manufactured by Merr-Sonn incorporated missile systems that, upon detonation, functioned similarly to a grenade.

Jumptroopers were equipped with a range of projectile launchers and heavy blaster rifles. They were known to employ plasma casters, and long-range flamethrowers. Some utilized rail detonators or anti-personnel flechette canisters. Certain individuals were equipped with missile launchers. They also carried plasma disruptors, weapons significantly more powerful than standard Imperial issue, distinguished by their lack of recoil. This allowed jumptroopers to fire the weapon's bright white bolts without affecting their flight path or losing balance in the air. This enabled them to find a high vantage point in the air and eliminate their enemies from a distance. Furthermore, they were sometimes equipped with rocket launchers.
These troopers were stationed on planets such as Felucia, Bespin, Kashyyyk, and the Death Star in the period leading up to the Battle of Yavin. On Raxus Prime, jumptroopers formed part of the garrison defending the Imperial Ore Facility. They engaged in numerous conflicts with Galen Marek, who visited the planets where they were deployed.

A contingent of jumptroopers was stationed on the planet Kamino, where they attempted to prevent the clone test subject of the deceased Starkiller from escaping. Despite their best efforts, the clone easily overcame them and escaped the planet. Later, they fought the clone on Cato Neimoidia under command of Baron Merillion Tarko in the city of Tarko-se. He killed them all. When the Alliance to Restore the Republic attacked Kamino, the clone encountered and killed them also.
Several were under the command of Darth Vader to capture a rebel agent aboard one of the StarSpeeder 1000s.
During the Battle of Hoth, jumptroopers were assigned to protect the Thundering Herd's All Terrain Armored Transports. Some of these airtroopers also accompanied Darth Vader during his attempt to capture Luke Skywalker on Bespin's Cloud City.
In 14 ABY, rocket troopers remained in service with the Imperial Remnant. They provided assistance to the Disciples of Ragnos, a clandestine cult seeking to revive the ancient deceased Sith Marka Ragnos. They engaged Jaden Korr at Taspir III. Ultimately, the attempt to resurrect Ragnos failed during the Battle of Korriban.

Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back included airtroopers as a type of enemy encountered in the game. Their designation as air assault troopers was later clarified in Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 4.
The design of the Hasbro jumptrooper toy was based on the unit's appearance in the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game, featuring a hose connecting the helmet to a breathing tank on the chest armor. The version appearing in the PS2, PSP, and Wii ports resembled a standard stormtrooper with heavy shoulder armor. The figure's biography also mentioned the use of rail detonators, although these were not present in the game. The term "jumptrooper" originated from Hasbro toy catalogs and the figure does not feature a jetpack.
In the Star Wars Miniatures game, the jumptrooper is referred to as the Raxus Prime Trooper.