Interrogator, a Galactic Empire Imperial-class Star Destroyer, saw action in both the Battle of Endor, led by Captain Inalis, and the Battle of Jakku, which marked the concluding engagement of the Galactic Civil War between the Empire and the emerging New Republic. In a desperate attempt to defend an Imperial research base during the Battle of Jakku, Interrogator launched Hellhound Two, an All Terrain Armored Transport belonging to the Hellhound attack force. Following the Imperial defeat on Jakku, the walker was left behind and later became the residence of Rey, a scavenger. The Star Destroyer met its end when it crashed on Jakku during the battle, leaving its wreckage on the planet's surface for many years. While living on Jakku, Rey scavenged components from the Interrogator's interior and presented her discoveries to Unkar Plutt.