Star Wars: Jango Fett: Open Seasons

Star Wars: Jango Fett: Open Seasons is a miniseries in comic form which explores the grim history of Jango Fett. The series notably uncovers how Fett rose to become a Mandalorian warrior, and the way in which he was enlisted by Count Dooku. This series connects with the Star Wars: Bounty Hunter video game, which gives players access to a virtual version of the comic book as unlockable bonus content.

The series includes 4 issues that were published between May and September of 2002. These issues were then collected into a single trade paperback edition in January of 2003.


'Jango Fett: Open Seasons 1'

The narrative commences as Count Dooku confers with his master, Darth Sidious, regarding the bounty hunter Jango Fett, whom he believes would be a suitable clone donor due to his proven track record of triumphing over the most formidable mercenaries. Subsequently, he recounts the events that led to Jango's ascension as a Mandalorian. The narrative then transitions to the Mandalorian Civil War on Concord Dawn, where the Death Watch, under the leadership of Tor Vizsla, clashes with the True Mandalorians, commanded by Jaster Mereel. Mereel's forces are pushed back and scattered. Some days later, Jaster and his soldiers encounter the Fetts. Jango's dad offers them sustenance, cautioning his son that they are merely beggars. The Death Watch tracks the True Mandalorians to the Fett residence, where they murder Jango's parents. However, Jango successfully flees and joins Jaster and his men. Vizsla's forces then proceed to set fire to the fields where Jaster, Jango, and the Mandalorians are concealed, but Jango guides them to an irrigation tunnel, enabling their escape from the blaze. With Jango's assistance, the True Mandalorians orchestrate an ambush for the Death Watch as they enter a nearby town. As the seemingly victorious Death Watch passes through the town, they are attacked from multiple directions and nearly annihilated, although Vizsla manages to escape. Following the battle, Jaster formally inducts Jango into the Mandalorians.

'Jango Fett: Open Seasons 2'

During a mission to extract a stranded Korda Defense Force training squad from a local rebellion, the True Mandalorians divided themselves into three squads: Vertigo Squad, an aerial-attack company led by Montross; Headhunter Squad, a heavy cleanup company under Jaster Mereel, and a basic infantry and security squad under Jango Fett, Jango's grunts. This marked the first instance of Fett being appointed as a squad commander.

The True Mandalorians departed from their carrier ship over Korda Six in Meteor-class Q-Carriers. The initial indication of danger arose when they encountered ion cannon fire during landing, resulting in one crash, causing the death of all occupants, and at least one other landing disabled and damaged. They faced more resistance than anticipated, and as the survivors regrouped, they were subjected to intense and coordinated Kordan blaster fire, catching the Mandalorians off guard and inflicting numerous casualties.

Mereel instructed Vertigo Squad to cease their assault on the Kordan gun emplacements, but Montross disobeyed, leading his squad into heavy fire, and only surviving due to the intervention of Mereel's forces. Fett utilized the aerial attack as a distraction, leading his squad to rescue the stranded Korda Defense Force training squad, but instead, they were ambushed by a Death Watch unit. When Vizsla appeared on the battlefield in a large battle transport, Montross disregarded Jaster's request for an airlift and used his jetpack to escape, leaving Jaster exposed to a barrage of blaster fire. Montross attempted to seize control of the Mandalorians and claim the title of Mandalor, falsely claiming that Jango had perished while attempting to save Jaster. However, when Fett arrived carrying Jaster's body, the Mandalorians declared that they would only follow him. Jango banished Montross as a traitor, assumed the mantle of Mandalor, and upheld Jaster's legacy.

'Jango Fett: Open Seasons 3'

The Governor of Galidraan had been secretly harboring the Death Watch on his planet. He was also facing an insurrection by some colonists, so he hired the True Mandalorians, under Jango Fett, to eliminate the rebels, which they did. However, under the advice of the Death Watch leader, Vizsla, the governor also informed the Jedi Council that a group of Mandalorians were murdering "political activists." A group of Jedi were dispatched to the planet to deal with the Mandalorians, led by Jedi Master Dooku and his Padawan Komari Vosa. In the resulting battle, the True Mandalorians on the planet were wiped out. Jango, the sole survivor, became enraged and demonstrated his amazing physical abilities by killing many of the attacking Jedi with his bare hands before finally surrendering. The Jedi turned Jango over to the custody of the Galidraan government and the governor had Jango sold into slavery. The Death Watch were victorious

'Jango Fett: Open Seasons 4'

Jango visits Dooku's estate and recounts how he escaped slavery, and tracked the Death Watch to Corellia. He then details how he avenged Jaster Mereel's death, killing Vizsla (with the help of a family of dire-cats) and most of the Death Watch.

Behind the scenes

Jango Fett's line in Open Seasons bears a striking resemblance to Anakin Skywalker's line to Padmé Amidala in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones regarding the Tusken Raiders:

  • Jango :"You killed them. You killed them all. We're all dead."
  • Anakin :"I. . . I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead."



Notes and references
