Jedi Council: Acts of War 3

title: Jedi Council: Acts of War 3

The third installment of the Star Wars: Jedi Council: Acts of War comic book series is Jedi Council: Acts of War 3. Dark Horse Comics published it on August 23, 2000.

Publisher's summary

The Jedi Council's and Mace Windu's initially stealthy search for the Yinchorri's secret government base has escalated into a battle against the military power of an entire planet. A massive army of heavily armed alien warriors is now engaged in a full-blown conflict with twelve Jedi wielding lightsabers. The Yinchorri should be concerned!

Plot summary

In 33 BBY, the Jedi Order dispatched a Jedi team to the Yinchorri system aboard three Consular-class space cruisers in an attempt to quell the Yinchorri Uprising. Upon entering the Yinchorri system, the Jedi cruisers were attacked and pursued by Yinchorri starfighters, but they managed to evade them and land at their intended locations. Their goal was to locate and disable the Yinchorri command center. Jedi Master Adi Gallia's team landed on the watery moon of Yitheeth, where they apprehended Olmar Grahrk, a Devaronian mercenary involved in a Sith plot to turn the Yinchorri against the Galactic Republic and its Jedi defenders. Meanwhile, Master Micah Giiett's team landed on Yibikkoror, only to be ambushed by their Yinchorri pursuers.

In the initial part, Mace Windu and Qui-Gon Jinn's team landed on the desert world of Yinchorr, the Yinchorri's homeworld. During the mission, Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi conducted a reconnaissance mission of the surrounding area and discovered that the Yinchorri were gathering their forces. They also confirmed the earlier Jedi mission's report that the Yinchorri were immune to mind control, but they were unable to locate any evidence of the Yinchorri command center. Instead, they discovered that Yinchorr was being used as a staging area for an invasion. The pair narrowly avoided a Yinchorri patrol and reported back to Masters Windu and Saesee Tiin. Meanwhile, a Yinchorri patrol stumbled upon their Consular-class space cruiser and detonated the vehicle. However, they did not find the Jedi occupants.

On Yibikkoror, Master Giett's team fought off their Yinchorri pursuers, killing many of the enemy with their lightsabers. Master Gallia's Consular space cruiser arrived above the Yibikkoror balloon city but was unable to land due to the lack of space on the floating platform, which was already overrun with hostile Yinchorri. As a result, the four Jedi stole a balloon to reach the cruiser. Upon reaching its docking rig, they were greeted by the Zabrak Jedi Master Eeth Koth, who had managed to get the Padawan K'Kruhk, Masters Lilit Twoseas and Plo Koon inside. However, before Micah could enter, he was attacked by more Yinchorri wearing flutter-packs. Micah grabbed the balloon and made another jump while the cruiser descended to allow him to reach the docking rig. The two reunited Jedi teams then departed for Yinchorr to assist Jedi Masters Windu, Jinn, Tiin, and Padawan Kenobi.

Back at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Masters Yoda and Yaddle received word from the Jedi teams that they had survived and would meet on Yinchorr. However, the Jedi teams had been unable to locate the Yinchorri command center. Yoda and Yaddle both sensed that something "shrouded and obscured" was influencing the Yinchorri Uprising from behind the scenes. The Human Jedi Master Soon Bayts then entered the room to inform his compatriots that Master Gallia's team had captured Olmar Grahrk, a Devaronian prisoner and the cousin of the smuggler Vilmarh Grahrk. That Jedi also speculated that the Devaronians had been orchestrating the Yinchorri unrest. Meanwhile, the Galactic Republic's Senate remained deadlocked in planning its response to the Yinchorri problem.

At an undisclosed location on Coruscant, the Sith Lord Darth Sidious learned of Olmar's capture and informed his cousin Vilmarh. Sidious threatened the Devaronian with death if Olmar revealed their secret plans to the Jedi. A desperate Vilmarh promised Sidious and his apprentice Darth Maul that he would ensure that his cousin would not disclose any information about the Sith's plans. Gallia's Jedi cruiser traveled to Yinchorr to reinforce Master Windu's team. However, the Jedi were unable to interrogate Olmar because they were approaching Yinchorr and the Yinchorri had discovered Windu's hiding place.

Cover art

The Consular-class space cruiser arrived on Yinchorr during a battle between Windu's Jedi team and a Yinchorri army. Because the Jedi were heavily outnumbered, Master Eeth Koth proposed a rescue mission to extract Windu's team. Gallia, Theen Fida, and Tsui Choi would stay with the ship, while the remaining Jedi would join the battle. Master Koth's Jedi successfully opened a second front, diverting the majority of the Yinchorri force away from Windu's team, who were holed up on a hill. Windu's team was then able to descend the hill and rejoin Koth's team. During the fighting, Saesee Tiin disabled a Yinchorri tank by killing its driver. While Koth's and Windu's teams reunited, the Yinchorri force turned its attention to the Consular cruiser. During the melee, K'kruhk's master, Lilit, was killed by a Yinchorri. In retaliation, her enraged Padawan beheaded her attackers with his lightsaber.

Back on Coruscant, the Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum concluded a crisis meeting with several Republic senators, who agreed to support a blockade and an embargo against the Yinchorri in exchange for keeping promises he had made to them over the previous five years. Following the meeting, Valorum contacted Master Yoda and expressed his weariness at having to make several concessions in order to gain the necessary votes to support military intervention in the Yinchorri system. Master Yoda sympathized with the Chancellor but commented that his sacrifice was necessary because it was small compared to the lives the Order sacrificed during the mission. Koth's and Windu's teams returned to the cruiser only to find a bloodbath. While Gallia's team had fought off their Yinchorri attackers, two Jedi had also been killed: Tsui's Padawan Fida and Master Twoseas.

Windu ordered the Jedi to evacuate the bodies of their slain compatriots aboard the ship. He then ordered Tiin to prepare the cruiser for immediate takeoff and send a transmission to Master Yoda. Upon entering the ship, the Jedi discovered that Olmar had broken free of his bonds and had gone to the command bridge, where he was contacting his cousin Vilmarh. He tried to get his older cousin to help him and reported that one of the Jedi had been killed. However, Vilmarh was furious that his cousin had contacted him from the Jedi ship because the Jedi would be able to trace his signal and apprehend him. Master Choic apprehended the Devaronian.

Meanwhile, Windu and the other Jedi recovered Lilit's body after fighting off several Yinchorri with the Force. The Yinchorri retreated but regrouped to launch a second assault on the cruiser. Giett and Koon offered to stay behind and cover their retreat, and Jin and his Padawan Obi-Wan joined them. Windu agreed but reminded them that their action was a tactical retreat rather than a last stand. He ordered the Jedi to join him as soon as they could because they did not want any further casualties.

