Jedi Temple Pyre room

The Pyre room, situated within the Jedi Temple, served as the primary cremation chamber for deceased Jedi, following their deaths. Notably, the Funeral of Yarael Poof took place in the Pyre room.


From 1019 BBY, when the Temple's spires were reconstructed, until the commencement of the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, the Order utilized the Pyre room for cremating their fallen members.

In 27 BBY, the remains of Jedi High Council member Yarael Poof were brought to the Pyre room, after he perished protecting Coruscant from Ashaar Khorda, an Annoo-dat revolutionary. As the Clone Wars concluded, the 501st Legion of the Grand Army of the Republic, under the command of Darth Vader, assaulted the Temple, executing all inside and causing extensive damage. The pyre room was left in ruins, with blaster marks riddling the walls and floor.

For decades, the Temple remained desolate, gradually deteriorating from neglect. Following the demise of Sith Lords Darth Sidious and Vader during the Battle of Endor, the Galactic Empire faltered, eventually being expelled from Coruscant by the New Republic. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, Coruscant suffered immense destruction due to terraforming, leading to the Temple's collapse and the exposure of its foundations. After the Galactic Alliance retook the planet, Chief of State Cal Omas instructed the Reconstruction Authority to reconstruct the ancient structure as a tribute to the reformed Order's sacrifices against the Yuuzhan Vong. Although the rebuilding used the original blueprints, it remains uncertain whether the pyre room was rebuilt or replaced, given that the funeral of Mara Skywalker was conducted in the Morning Court.


The Pyre room within the Jedi Temple was constructed from a tan stone material, characteristic of the Temple's architectural style. Positioned high within one of the Temple's five spires, the circular room was sparsely furnished, featuring only a central stone platform intended for the placement of wood. The Council member presiding over the ceremony would deliver a eulogy for the deceased, before igniting the wood upon which the body rested.

