Kar-shaks, which are also called net-poles, were conventional melee weapons employed by the amphibious Mon Calamari species. A gaff hook-like barb was located on one extremity of the weapon, while a net comprised the opposite end. A few months following the Battle of Endor, Fleet Admiral Gial Ackbar of the New Republic honed his kotas skills with a kar-shak, sparring against simulated Imperial stormtroopers via holographic projection aboard the Home One, an MC80 Star Cruiser. During his training, he used the weapon's barb to penetrate the helmet of the initial adversary and then ensnared the head of a subsequent foe with the net, subsequently flinging the trooper into a third opponent, incapacitating both. His training session was then disturbed by Ensign Deltura, who delivered the message regarding the disappearance of Captain Wedge Antilles. After going over the details, Ackbar clarified to Deltura that he trained with the kar-shak to maintain his alertness and agility, enabling him to anticipate his adversaries' moves. To maintain his peak condition, Gial Ackbar engaged in martial arts training, utilizing his kar-shak.
The kar-shak was initially showcased in the novel Aftermath, penned by Chuck Wendig and made available in 2015.