
The Korbans were a species of sentient beings from the planet of Korba, identifiable by their blue skin. These beings characteristically possessed a head adorned with green hair, two rosy pink cheeks, and a pair of sizable, pink eyes. A number of Korbans were employed as miners on their home planet, where they were engaged in the mining of kyber crystals within Korba's towering spires for the benefit of the Jedi Order, which valued the Korbans' contributions. It was a unique fact that not a single Korban had ever ventured beyond their native world. Among the Korbans were Aau, a young girl with Force-sensitive abilities, and her father, Abat, who resided in their dwelling on Korba. Aau possessed the ability to purify kyber crystals through singing, a practice her father considered perilous.

Following a visit to their home by the Jedi Kratu, the father-daughter duo journeyed to a Korban settlement. There, Abat made his way to a newly established mine shaft located in Spire 17, while Aau dedicated her time to grooming purple beasts used by the Korbans for riding. Disregarding her assigned task, Aau surreptitiously followed her father to a mine, ultimately entering a cavern abundant with kyber crystals.

By using her voice, she purified the crystals, triggering the collapse of the spire housing the cavern, along with several adjacent spires. Consequently, Aau, Abat, and a miner named Attu found themselves in a desperate attempt to escape. While Attu successfully made his escape, Aau and Abat plummeted from a damaged bridge. They were saved from certain doom by Kratu, who skillfully generated a Force shield to protect them from the cascade of rocks dislodged from the collapsing spires. Aau then utilized her singing to purify the remaining kyber crystals in the vicinity, effectively halting the spires' descent and ensuring the safety of herself, her father, and Kratu. Impressed by her abilities, Kratu extended an invitation for Aau to leave Korba with her, with the intention of the Jedi nurturing the girl's unique singing talents. Aau accepted the offer, thereby becoming the first member of her alien species to ever leave her home planet.

Biological Traits and Physical Appearance

The Korbans were an alien species of sentient beings originating from the planet known as Korba. The blue hue of their skin was a defining characteristic. Their bodies were equipped with four limbs, consisting of two arms, which were adorned with white hair, and two legs. Their heads featured a pair of pink cheeks, a white muzzle distinguished by white whiskers and a prominent, black nose positioned along its upper portion, and a set of two round, pink eyes.

Society and Cultural Practices

A settlement on Korba, featuring the world's spires and several Korbans, two of whom (left; top) are riding purple beasts.

The Korbans engaged in the mining of the spires on their homeworld to extract kyber crystals, which were essential to the Jedi Order for the construction of their signature weapons, the lightsabers. They utilized large, purple beasts as mounts, which they meticulously groomed and equipped with saddles and harnesses. Their dwellings consisted of round structures built into the sides of cliffs, and they also inhabited a sizable settlement. Although no Korban had ventured beyond their world to explore the stars by 19 BBY, Korba possessed a functional port, overseen by port security, capable of accommodating the landing of starships. The species had access to speeder technology and advanced mining equipment and enjoyed a board game that involved the use of colored figures.

Historical Events

A Voice of Purification and a Strict Father

Aau and Abat have lunch.

Around 19 BBY, two Korbans, the young Force-sensitive girl Aau, and her father, the miner Abat, resided in their dwelling located on one of Korba's cliffsides. At some point, the pair discovered Aau's ability to purify Korba's kyber crystals through singing, a skill that her father regarded as dangerous. Aau worked at Korba's main settlement, where she groomed purple beasts. Meanwhile, Abat was employed at a mine situated near the settlement, specifically in Spire 17. As Aau ascended a cliff, the Jedi Kratu arrived on Korba, landing her starship in close proximity to the girl's home.

Hurrying back to her home, Aau ate a bowl of soup with her father before Krotu's arrival, leaving under her father's orders. However, as Abat and Krotu began discussing the unstable, dark red kyber crystals found in a new mine shaft, she eavesdropped on their conversation through a window, singing softly. This alerted her father and Kratu to her presence. The Jedi stepped outside to greet her before departing. Abat and his daughter followed suit, heading towards the settlement.

An Insect and a Rebellious Korban

Aau and her father, Abat, left their home for a settlement (pictured) where the former groomed purple beasts.

Upon reaching the settlement, the miner departed for a mine, while the girl brushed one of the beasts, removing a shelled insect from its hide. She then retrieved a mining helmet from a wall positioned next to two Korbans engaged in a board game and trailed her father to a mine. There, Aau discovered an alternative mine entrance, which she entered. Inside the mine, the child stumbled upon a cavern filled with kyber crystals and began to sing, purifying them. However, her father interrupted her, causing the cave to collapse.

Her father noticed that the spire was trembling and collapsing. He slid down towards his child with a rope and exited the cave with her and the Korban miner Attu. However, the spire's collapse had also impacted the adjacent spires, causing one of the sides of the bridge they were using to escape to detach. Aau and Attu reached the other side, but Abat did not, and his daughter tried to save him. Her attempts were futile, and both Korbans fell.

Aau's Departure from Korba

Aau was the first Korban to leave her world.

However, Kratu skillfully employed the Force to hold them, preventing their fall and conjuring a Force shield to shield them from the debris resulting from the spires' collapse, which had unleashed a barrage of stones upon them. Aau sang once more, purifying the kyber crystals within the spires and bringing the spires' collapse to a halt.

Having successfully saved her father, she embraced Abat while Kratu extended an invitation for her to leave Korba with her so that the Jedi could cultivate the girl's singing abilities. Subsequently, Aau and her father sat on the edge of a cliff while they consumed a pod of yellow flowers before she boarded Kratu's vessel and departed from Korba.

Behind-the-Scenes Information

The Korbans made their debut in the short film "Aau's Song," produced by the South African studio Triggerfish. This film served as the ninth episode of the Disney+ anthology series Star Wars: Visions's second season, which was released on May 4, 2023. The identification of the Korbans was confirmed in Star Wars: Visions Filmmaker Focus – Aau's Song, a featurette that was part of a series of featurettes titled Star Wars: Visions Filmmaker Focus. Triggerfish exclusively cast local actors to portray the Korban characters.

Prior to the short film's release, two members of the species, Aau and Abat, were featured on a promotional poster and were initially mentioned in an article published on StarWars.com on April 10, 2023 during the Star Wars Celebration Europe convention.

