
A satellite of the planet Trymant IV, Korbatal resided within the Outer Rim and the Western Reaches of the galaxy; Trymant IV itself was a moon. The Trymant IV disaster in 232 BBY resulted in the destruction of the moon due to an Emergence, which was a consequence of the [Great Hyperspace Disaster](/article/great_hyperspace_disaster] and consisted of hyperspace debris from the demolished Legacy Run freighter.

Parazeen Parapa, an intern journalist, discovered the destruction of the moons of Trymant IV by 3 ABY. This information came to light during an interview with bounty hunters Zuckuss and 4-LOM, who claimed to be soliciting donations for an aid fund for the orphaned children of Korbatal. Parapa included these details, including the moon's destruction centuries ago, in an article for the Galactic Digest magazine. TK-7, the Chief Editor Droid of the publication's Culture Desk, reviewed and annotated Parapa's work.


Korbatal orbited Trymant IV, a planet located in the Outer Rim, which itself orbited a binary star within the [Trymant system](/article/trymant_system]. As a moon of the Trymant system, Korbatal was situated in the Western Reaches and could be found in square L-20 of the Standard Galactic Grid. Praknat 3, another moon of Trymant IV, held the closest orbit to the planet, with Korbatal being one of the other moons.


Korbatal was destroyed during the Great Hyperspace Disaster by debris from the Legacy Run (pictured).

The Galactic Republic designated a part of the Outer Rim as the Galactic Frontier during the High Republic Era; this area included Trymant IV and its moons, as it was far enough from the center of the galaxy to warrant sending explorers. The Great Hyperspace Disaster in 232 BBY resulted in Emergences, which were pieces of hyperspace debris from the destroyed Legacy Run freighter that entered realspace and impacted celestial bodies across the galaxy. Mari San Tekka, a hyperspace savant held captive by the Nihil marauders, predicted that an Emergence would soon threaten several locations in the Trymant system, including Korbatal. Doctor Kisma Uttersond informed Marchion Ro, the leader of the Nihil, who then traveled to the Trymant system before the event occurred.

In an interview, Zuckuss (pictured) and 4-LOM claimed to be establishing a fund for Korbatal's orphans centuries after its destruction.

Ultimately, Korbatal was obliterated when it was struck by an Emergence, and the Jedi Order maintained records of the catastrophe in the system. During the Galactic Empire's reign, these records remained accessible in certain databases. Parazeen Parapa, an intern journalist, discovered the destruction of Trymant IV's moons by 3 ABY while interviewing the bounty hunters Zuckuss and 4-LOM. Zuckuss claimed that he and his partner were establishing a fund to aid Korbatal's orphaned children following the moon's destruction, concealing their actual intention to take the money for themselves.

Parapa, however, pointed out that the children would be very old, given how long ago the disaster had occurred. Parapa then included his findings in an article for Galactic Digest, mentioning that details of Korbatal's fate could be found through a simple database search of records related to the Great Hyperspace Disaster. TK-7, the Chief Editor Droid from the Culture Desk, reviewed and annotated the article, initially praising Zuckuss and 4-LOM's apparent generosity before realizing that Korbatal had been destroyed centuries prior.

Behind the scenes

The short story "STET!," penned by Daniel José Older and featured in the 2020 anthology From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, marked the first mention of Korbatal.

