During Governor Ubrik Adelhard's Iron Blockade of the Anoat sector under the Galactic Empire, Leeka Pali, a female Mirialan, was a member of the Trade Spine League. She fulfilled the role of an advisor for Shortpaw, the leader of the organization.
Within the Trade Spine League, Leeka Pali, a female Mirialan, acted as an advisor to Shortpaw, who headed the league. During the Galactic Civil War, they, along with the rest of the league, found themselves confined within the Anoat sector due to the Galactic Empire's establishment of the Iron Blockade around the sector after the death of Galactic Emperor Palpatine.
During the blockade, Pali, along with two other advisors of Shortpaw, Ndaya and Onn Iria, convened with Shortpaw at his junk stall situated in Longstar Marketplace on the planet Burnin Konn. Shortpaw then presented them with a young smuggler who had been employed by the crime lord Happy Dapp, an associate of the league. Subsequently, Shortpaw and Pali detailed the challenges the league faced in navigating starships through the blockade and their strategy to attempt to guide a ship into the Mataou system.
The group's strategy involved dispatching the smuggler to the planet Mataou to examine the Imperial sensor network utilizing antiquated Hutt technology present on the planet. Pali cautioned the smuggler that the equipment would be heavily defended by old Hutt security droids, and following Shortpaw's pledge to provide the smuggler with a hazmat scow for the mission, the operation commenced.
The smuggler successfully overcame the Hutt security droids within a graveyard on Mataou and activated the ancient scanning equipment, subsequently contacting Shortpaw to report the achievement. Pali, instead, answered the comlink and informed the smuggler that the scanner had not acquired sufficient data regarding the blockade. After going back to Burning Konn to meet with Shortpaw and Pali again in the market, the smuggler went back to Mataou and activated a second scanner.
Using the data obtained from the initial two scanners, Pali and the league identified several potential vulnerabilities in the Iron Blockade, but they dispatched the smuggler once more to activate a third scanner. Upon successfully reaching the equipment and activating it, the smuggler contacted Pali to provide an update. Following another in-person meeting at the market, Shortpaw clarified that one more scanner needed to be activated, while Pali initiated preparations for the subsequent phase of the plan to facilitate the starship's breach of the blockade.
Upon activating the final scanner, Pali instructed the smuggler to return to Burnin Konn, as they now possessed adequate data to proceed to the next stage of the plan. At the market once more, Shortpaw and Pali briefed the smuggler on the next step of the plan: creating a distraction on Mataou so that the ship could slip through undetected. They sent both the smuggler and Dapp to create the distraction, and after the pair successfully fought their way through an Imperial garrison, Pali contacted the smuggler to report that the ship had successfully entered the sector.
Pali and Shortpaw expressed their congratulations to the smuggler upon their reunion at LongStar Marketplace, but refrained from disclosing any additional details regarding the cargo of the smuggled ship. With no further immediate tasks, Pali indicated that the league would be in contact and informed the smuggler that Riley was awaiting with an assignment in the nearby spaceport.
Leeka Pali possessed yellow skin, along with brown hair and eyes. Her face was adorned with green Mirialan tattoos. Initially, she was displeased with the decision to hire a smuggler lacking a ship, but she was impressed by the criminal's contributions to the league. Pali harbored distrust towards the smuggler's sister, Riley, and cautioned the smuggler to exercise caution in her presence.