Legacy (2013) 10

title: Legacy 10

Legacy 10 represents the tenth installment of the fresh Star Wars: Legacy comic book saga.

Synopsis from the Publisher

With assistance from her allies, Ania Solo is spearheading the liberation of the Mon Calamari slaves… Disregarding the long odds, she's leading the charge against an overwhelming force of heavily armed pirates!

Storyline Summary

After discovering Darth Wredd's scheme to assault Empress Marasiah Fel, Jao Assam, a youthful Imperial Knight, and his junk dealer acquaintance Ania Solo embark on a mission to capture the renegade Sith. Their pursuit takes them to the anarchic Calamari system, now under the dominion of the Sith Lord Darth Luft and his pirate cohorts. These pirates have deceptively enticed numerous Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees to labor as slave workers within the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards. Jao informs the Galactic Federation Triumvirate of the pirate presence, prompting Yalta Val, an Imperial Knight, and Admiral Gar Stazi to deploy a Triumvirate task force to liberate the shipyards.

The Triumvirate fleet decimates the pirate starfighter defenses. Ania and her comrades aid the Triumvirate by obliterating several Dac pirate droids. Within the shipyards, Mon Calamari and Quarren slaves engage the pirates in combat, while Jao Assam confronts Darth Luft in a lightsaber duel. Subsequently, Admiral Stazi commands the tanker Trand Cappa to flood the Mon Calamari Shipyards, overpowering the pirates and enabling the Mon Calamari and Quarren slaves to gain control. During the conflict, Jao's adopted Imperial communications droid barely escapes an icy blast by fleeing into space. In Family Detention Bay #1, the pirates expose the family quarters to the vacuum of space, intending to eliminate the slaves' families. Witnessing the predicament of the Mon Calamari and Quarren, Ania and her companions endeavor to seal the space doors, but discover that the controls are frozen shut. Ultimately, Ania calls upon the comm droid to remotely close the space doors, thereby saving many lives.

Simultaneously, Master Yalta Val leads a contingent of seatroopers and Imperial Knights, who disarm and capture the pirates. Inside the flooded shipyards, Darth Luft and Jao engage in a lightsaber battle. Luft gains an advantage over his adversary by trapping him beneath debris. Shortly thereafter, Luft is attacked by two Imperial Knight trainees. Luft defeats the cadets in combat and nearly succeeds in killing them. However, Jao defeats and kills him in combat. With the downfall of Darth Luft and the pirates, the freed Mon Calamari and Quarren slaves establish themselves in the flooded shipyards. Later, Jao meets with Master Val but chooses to continue his pursuit of Darth Wredd instead of returning to Coruscant. Jao is aware that he will be charged with desertion and potentially face the death penalty.

While traveling in AG-37's freighter, Jao receives a message from Darth Wredd himself. The rogue Sith expresses his gratitude to the Imperial Knight for aiding in the destruction of the One Sith, bringing him closer to his objective of establishing a new Sith order based on the Rule of Two. Wredd offers Jao a position within this new order.

