Legacy (2013) 9

title: Legacy 9

Legacy #9 marks the ninth installment of the revamped comic book series, Star Wars: Legacy.

Publisher's Synopsis

Ania Solo finds herself in a precarious situation, quite literally submerged! Stranded in a poisonous ocean with their escape pod, she and Imperial Knight Jao await a potential rescue. However, even if saved, they must still liberate enslaved individuals within the orbital docks, all while facing a formidable pirate army!

Detailed Plot

After uncovering Darth Wredd's scheme to target Empress Marasiah Fel, the youthful Imperial Knight Jao Assam and his associate, the junk dealer Ania Solo, set out to apprehend the renegade Sith. Their pursuit takes them to the anarchic Calamari system, now controlled by a pirate organization under the leadership of the Sith Lord Darth Luft. Darth Luft has deceptively brought many Mon Calamari and Quarren refugees back to Dac, promising to restore Dac, whose oceans were poisoned by the One Sith during the Second Imperial Civil War. Jao, Ania, along with their Mon Calamari and Quarren guides, Luen and Tikin, are abandoned in an escape pod into Dac's toxic seas, facing certain death from even minimal contact with the poisoned water. Jao's companion, a specialized communications droid, manages to send out an emergency signal.

This signal reaches Ania's comrades: the Mon Calamari engineer Sauk and the assassin droid AG-37. They pilot AG-37's freighter to Dac and descend into the planet's waters. After a struggle, Sauk successfully uses the freighter's grappling hook to retrieve Ania's escape pod. Meanwhile, on Coruscant, Imperial Knight Master Yalta Val intercepts Jao's transmission. He brings the plight of the Mon Calamari and Quarren to the attention of the Galactic Federation Triumvirate leadership, but Empress Fel dismisses his plea. Admiral Gar Stazi criticizes Fel's indifference, asserting that the Triumvirate is obligated to aid the Mon Calamari and Quarren.

Subsequently, Ania and her group arrive at a deserted hangar. While Jao seeks to confront the Sith directly, Ania and AG-37 advise returning to the freighter and awaiting reinforcements. Meanwhile, the Quarren Tikin hesitates to oppose the Sith, fearing for his son Tilin's safety. Unable to reconcile their conflicting priorities, the three factions separate. Jao and Tikin head back to the shipyards to battle the Sith and rescue his son, respectively. Simultaneously, Ania, Sauk, AG-37, and Luen return to AG-37's freighter. Back on Coruscant, Master Val and Admiral Stazi assemble a task force to liberate the shipyards.

Returning to the Mon Calamari Shipyards, Tikin attempts to save his son by revealing the presence of the Imperial Knight Jao Assam. However, Darth Luft executes him instead, triggering a slave revolt. Emboldened by the arrival of the Imperial Knight, the Mon Calamari and Quarren slaves rise up against their captors. Under duress, Darth Luft commands his forces to eliminate the slaves and their families. He then engages Jao in a lightsaber battle. Concurrently, AG-37's freighter comes under attack from several pirate starfighters. However, a Galactic Triumvirate task force, led by Admiral Stazi and Master Val, intervenes and destroys their pursuers.

