Legacy 16, a part of the new Star Wars: Legacy comic book saga, marks its sixteenth installment. Dark Horse Comics made it available on June 25, 2014.
The Imperial Knight Jao Assam is awaiting his sentence of execution, and Ania Solo is determined to step in. However, when it comes to light that Jao has broken free—along with the Sith Lord Darth Wredd—Ania begins to question her faith in her comrade. Nevertheless, she must still attempt to save him, just in case he isn't a villain…
After the abduction of Ania Solo, Jao Assam, the Imperial Knight at her side, briefly halts his pursuit of Darth Wredd, the renegade Sith who sought the assassination of Marasiah Fel, the Galactic Empress and leader of the Imperial Knights. Following a difficult rescue, Ania found herself arrested and accused of murdering Teemen Alton, an Imperial Knight. Jao, however, successfully exonerated Ania by revealing that a deceased bounty hunter was the actual killer, having tried to frame her. While the Galactic Federation Triumvirate acquitted and freed Ania, Jao Assam was taken into custody and faced the death penalty for abandoning his post with the Imperial Knights. While incarcerated, he was visited by Darth Wredd, his target, who aimed to enlist him as a Sith apprentice and presented him with a means of escape—a Sith lightsaber.
Ania Solo, on Coruscant, endeavors to meet with Galactic Empress Marasiah Fel to plead for the Imperial Knight's pardon. Antares Draco, a senior Imperial Knight, denies her request, insisting that the Empress's decision was final. Failing in her attempt, Ania goes back to AG-37's freighter, docked at a spaceport on Coruscant. She reunites with her companions, Sauk, a Mon Calamari, and AG-37, an assassin droid, as they prepare to leave the planet. In the meantime, Darth Wredd and Jao make their escape in a starship, leaving behind a trail of dead stormtroopers and a gaping hole in the prison wall.
After Jao's breakout, Ania is apprehended by stormtroopers and brought before Empress Fel, who had chosen to grant the junk dealer an audience. During their discussion, Empress Fel tells Ania that she is convinced that Jao Assam has not succumbed to the dark side of the Force. Instead, she is of the opinion that he is striving to uphold his oaths in his own way. Nevertheless, the Empress is hesitant to bend the law in favor of Jao, who has willingly deserted his duty. Despite this dilemma, the Empress sees a potential solution to Jao's legal troubles. Should Ania locate Jao and bring him back, she would be open to finding a legal loophole to bypass the desertion charges. Empress Fel commissions Ania and her allies, along with a squad of Trandoshan stormtroopers, to embark on a mission to rescue Jao. The rescue party sets off from Coruscant aboard AG-37's freighter.
Elsewhere, Darth Wredd and Jao arrive on the floating world known as Mala. There, Wredd shares his past with the captive Jao. Wredd recounts how he discovered his Force-sensitive abilities while growing up on Mala. Unable to join the Jedi Order due to the Massacre at Ossus, Wredd instead became a master swordsman and the pride of his village. Near the end of the Second Imperial Civil War, the One Sith unleashed a bioweapon on Wredd's world, wiping out all life and causing the planet to drift aimlessly in space. Wredd was spared, but he was forced to become an apprentice to a Sith master.
Wredd developed a profound hatred for the One Sith as a result of the destruction of his home and the loss of his family. He went on to describe how he murdered his master and took on the identity of Yalta Val, an Imperial Knight, during the Carreras Incident. With his master gone, Wredd was now free to sow chaos throughout the galaxy. When Jao voices his doubt, Wredd presents a fragment of his broken sword, confirming the truth of his story. Wredd then facilitates Jao's escape from his cell and allows him to transmit the coordinates of their location to Ania Solo. As planned, Ania and her companions receive Mala's coordinates. Upon exiting hyperspace, Sauk and AG-37 immediately recognize Mala as the same elusive floating world they had encountered during the Carreras Incident.