Level 1671

Level 1671 was a city level situated on the planet of Coruscant, specifically 3,456 levels below the surface of the world. The Pau'an individual Zodu Onglo found himself embroiled in a failed arms transaction on Level 1671 during the year 7951 C.R.C.. As a result, he was apprehended by the Coruscant Security Force for committing aggravated assault. Lieutenant Tanivos Divo of the security force proceeded to question a Twi'lek in proximity to the crime scene while Onglo was escorted away in binders. The level was later referenced in Exantor Divo's book, Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, the grandson of Tanivos Divo, in 34 ABY.


Level 1671 was one of the many levels of Galactic City (pictured) on Coruscant.

As a city level on the planet Coruscant, Level 1671 was one of the 5,127 levels that composed the ecumenopolis known as Galactic City. It was specifically situated 3,456 levels below the surface at Level 5127. This level showcased an urban environment that featured a series of steps ascending to an area illuminated by yellow neon signs. One of these signs displayed a cocktail glass positioned next to an eye, accompanied by Aurebesh lettering that spelled out "bus." A sizable pipe, complete with a railing and underlighting, traversed beneath the signs, with towering walls behind it adorned with strips of light. Additionally, another illuminated sign was perched atop a pole adjacent to the staircase.


Lieutenant Tanivos Divo investigated a botched arms deal on Level 1671.

During one night in 7951 C.R.C., Zodu Onglo, a Pau'an male with ties to the Wandering Star syndicate operating out of Level 1313, engaged in a failed attempt to illicitly sell a stash of stolen weapons on Level 1671. This unsuccessful transaction led to Onglo's arrest by the Coruscant Security Force on charges of aggravated assault. A masked officer from the underworld police escorted the Utapaun away in binders, while a LAAT/le patrol gunship cast a spotlight upon a smoking corpse nearby. The body was found alongside a blaster rifle and various other scattered items on a set of steps.

Concurrently, Lieutenant Tanivos Divo of the Coruscant Security Force was interrogating a Twi'lek beneath the glow of the neon lights. An astromech droid and several police cam droids, with their lights flashing, were also present at the crime scene. Further back in the urban space, several robed figures stood with their backs turned to the scene, facing a smoking fire burning atop the pipe, where a lone figure stood beside it. Divo's subsequent investigation revealed Onglo's connection to the Wandering Star syndicate. Later, some of the lieutenant's case files, including an image of Level 1671, were published by Exantor Divo, Divo's grandson, in his book, Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, in the year 34 ABY.

Behind the scenes

The 2018 sourcebook Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, authored by Pablo Hidalgo, featured Level 1671. Ronan Le Fur provided the illustration of Level 1671 that was included in the book. Before the book's official release on October 23, Level 1671 was unveiled in a blog post that detailed the book on StarWars.com on August 29 of that same year.


  • Pablo Hidalgo Explores the Galaxy's Worst in Star Wars: Scum and Villainy - Exclusive on StarWars.com (backup link) (First mentioned)
  • Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious

Notes and references
