
Lina, a pilot of the female persuasion, belonged to the Outer Rim planet E'ronoh's fleet, which was also her place of origin, her homeworld. Bly Tevin was her sibling, and he, along with their mother, shared a family apartment on the same world. Around 382 BBY, a mechanical issue with her starfighter's thrusters shortly after takeoff caused it to crash in the Ramshead Gorge, resulting in her death as horrified onlookers, including Bly and their mother, witnessed the tragedy.

The tragic passing of the pilot sparked widespread discontent among E'ronoh's inhabitants, who were angered by the antiquated state of their military equipment. This led Monarch A'lbaran to arrange a lease agreement, granting Corellia, a planet within the Core Worlds, access to a portion of the planet's southern region in return for modern devilfighter starfighters. To honor his late sister, Bly joined the Thylefire Squadron of E'ronoh's fleet and participated in a supply escort mission commanded by Captain Xiri A'lbaran soon after his basic training. Sadly, his devilfighter was sabotaged, leading to his demise during the mission, with his final thoughts focused on Lina and their mother.


Military service

Lina hailed from E'ronoh and served in its fleet.

During the High Republic Era, Lina, an E'roni female, called the Outer Rim planet of E'ronoh, her homeworld, her home. She lived there in an apartment alongside her mother and her younger brother, Bly Tevin. She was a member of a family with a long history on E'ronoh; her grandfather had served in E'ronoh's military, and her grandmother was also native to the planet. Sometime between 387 BBY and 382 BBY, Lina enlisted in E'ronoh's fleet to participate in the Eiram and E'ronoh War against Eiram, a rival planet in the Outer Rim. She became a pilot, mastering the operation of a starfighter, and was eventually assigned her own vessel.

Around 382 BBY, the aging starfighters of E'ronoh began experiencing malfunctions. This culminated in two consecutive days where ships broke down, though without any casualties. The following day, Lina took off from the Rook, the capital city of E'ronoh, on a recon mission targeting the western isles of Eiram. Shortly after achieving liftoff, her thrusters failed, causing her starship to plummet into the [Ramshead Gorge](/article/ramshead_gorge], resulting in her death. Numerous horrified onlookers, including her mother and brother, watched from the Rook as her vessel descended. News of her death spread rapidly, inciting riots among the city's residents, who were outraged at losing a pilot due to obsolete equipment. To quell the unrest, A'lbaran, the Monarch of E'ronoh, leased a mountainous region in the planet's southern hemisphere to Corellia of the Core Worlds in exchange for three dozen new devilfighter starfighters for the world's fleet. Despite understanding the necessity of the deal, Xiri A'lbaran, the E'roni princess and captain, disagreed with her father's decision.

Honored memory

Bly Tevin perished during an escort mission in the Eiram system (pictured), having joined the fight in his sister's memory.

Bly, overcome with grief and slightly underage, implored Xiri to allow him to enlist in E'ronoh's fleet early to honor Lina's memory. Having experienced a similar loss when her brother, Prince Niko A'lbaran, passed away, the captain granted his request. He then became a member of her squadron, Thylefire Squadron, after completing basic training. Xiri also assigned Bly to the devilfighter that had initially been intended for her, viewing it as a minor act of defiance against her father's decision to acquire them following Lina's death.

In 382 BBY, Xiri led Thylefire Squadron on a supply escort mission to protect an ice hauler. While positioned in space above E'ronoh, the captain reflected on Lina's death and how it had led to Bly's enlistment. She also briefly pondered the riots that had erupted after Lina's death, seeing the incident as a crucial turning point in the war for E'ronoh. Shortly thereafter, Bly's devilfighter, which had been secretly sabotaged by Serrena, a member of the Path of the Open Hand cult, malfunctioned and locked him out of the controls. After rebooting his ship's systems, he discovered they were set to self-destruct. In his final moments, Tevin thought of his time with his mother, including the day they both witnessed Lina's tragic death. Bly's devilfighter then exploded, causing grief to Xiri, as the young pilot had failed to achieve the goal his sister had begun.

Personality and traits

Lina exhibited unwavering loyalty to E'ronoh, a trait shared by her family. Her family deeply mourned her passing, and Bly enlisted to fight Eiram in her honor. Xiri regarded Lina's death as a pivotal moment in the public's sentiment towards the war on E'ronoh, catalyzing widespread dismay among the E'roni at the unnecessary loss of one of their own.


During her service as a pilot in E'ronoh's fleet, Lina was assigned a starfighter, which was destroyed in the Ramshead Gorge due to thruster failure. Like every E'roni [soldier](/article/soldier], she possessed a ceremonial bane blade that she kept strapped to her hip.

Behind the scenes

Lina received a mention in Convergence, a novel penned by Zoraida Córdova as part of Phase II of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project, which was released on November 22, 2022. Prior to its publication, her mention was included in a preview of the novel on on October 4 of that year.

