
Longshot was a clone trooper who fought alongside the 212th Battalion as part of the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. During an infiltration mission into the Citadel, he met his death due to the fortress's numerous traps.


Longshot was one of the many identical clones grown on Kamino. During the Clone Wars he served as a soldier within the ranks of the 212th Attack Battalion.

Longshot attempts to run from the electric field

When Even Piell, a Jedi Master, was captured by Separatist forces and imprisoned on the planet Lola Sayu within the Citadel, a rescue operation was launched by the Republic. Longshot was among the clones chosen for the rescue team, which was led by Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, tasked with infiltrating the prison. To avoid detection by life-form scanners, the team was frozen in carbonite and transported to Lola Sayu using reprogrammed droids and a captured Separatist shuttle.

After being unfrozen, the team scaled a wall riddled with electromines to gain entry into the Citadel through a concealed opening. Regrettably, Charger, one of the troopers, fell and triggered a mine, alerting Osi Sobeck, the prison's warden, who then activated the facility's security measures. Inside, the group destroyed laser turrets as well as surveillance equipment. This action initiated an electric field that swept across the hallway in their direction. While his comrades quickly sought refuge in adjacent corridors, Longshot was ensnared by the field, dragged along its path, and ultimately killed by electrocution.

Personality and traits

Being a clone derived from Jango Fett, Longshot's height was 1.83 meters.


Longshot was equipped with Phase I clone trooper armor bearing the orange markings indicative of the 212th Attack Battalion, and he carried a standard DC-15A blaster carbine.

Behind the scenes

Longshot's debut occurred in "The Citadel," the eighteenth installment of the third season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. Dee Bradley Baker, who provides the voice for all clone troopers throughout the show, voiced him.

