Charger was a member of the 501st Legion, serving the Grand Army of the Republic as a clone trooper during the Clone Wars. He was part of a squad dispatched to Lola Sayu on a mission to liberate Republic prisoners from The Citadel. While scaling a cliff to access the facility, Charger's footing gave way as he approached the entry point, resulting in his fatal fall onto an electromine.
Charger was among the numerous clones of Jango Fett who were developed on Kamino.
More than a year into the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Even Piell was captured by the Separatists and then imprisoned within the Citadel located on Lola Sayu. Charger was selected as part of a clone rescue team, operating under the command of generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, tasked with infiltrating the prison to rescue Master Piell.
The team underwent cryosleep in carbonite, and battle droids were reprogrammed to pilot a shuttle to deceive enemy life-form scanners, enabling the frozen team's arrival on Lola Sayu. Upon arrival, the team was thawed, and the mission commenced.
To gain entry to the Citadel, the team was required to climb a wall riddled with electromines to reach a small platform near the entrance. A droid patrol appeared at the platform and secured the door with a ray shield. Fortunately, Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, managed to crawl through a ventilation shaft and deactivate the shield. The team then ascended to the entrance platform. Charger was among the last members of the team to reach it. Regrettably, as fellow clone Fives attempted to assist him, Charger stepped onto a loose stone, which promptly broke, causing Charger to lose his footing and plummet directly onto an electromine, resulting in his immediate death. This incident alerted the entire facility, complicating the team's efforts to reach the prisoners.
Being a clone of Jango Fett, Charger's height was 1.83 meters.
Charger wore Phase I clone trooper armor adorned with the blue markings characteristic of the 501st Legion. He carried a standard DC-15A blaster carbine and also had a backpack.
Charger made his appearance in "The Citadel," the eighteenth episode within the third season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated television series. His voice was provided by Dee Bradley Baker, who is the voice actor for all clone troopers throughout the series.