Lord, holding the position of alpha male, led a troop of Eriadu veermok within the Carrion Plateau region. This region was situated on the planet Eriadu, specifically around the prominent hill known as the Carrion Spike. The human, Wilhuff Tarkin, had an encounter with Lord and his troop while fulfilling the last requirement of a series of trials set for him by his family on the plateau. Tarkin needed to survive a complete day on the Spike and made contact with another Veermok, who he named Shadow, and learned the troop's habits. On the designated day for Tarkin's climb, he ascended while the veermok were asleep. Lord's discovery of the Human ignited his fury, but his attention was quickly diverted by a group of veermok loyal to Shadow. Subsequently, Shadow's followers turned against Lord, resulting in his demise. Following this, Tarkin eliminated Shadow, creating confusion among the group and facilitating his escape.
Within the Carrion Plateau region of Eriadu, a male veermok of the species held the position of dominant male. He commanded a troop consisting of one hundred veermoks during the concluding decades of the Galactic Republic's existence. The troop's territory was focused on a hill called the Carrion Spire, surrounded by savannah and patches of woodland. Every night, this veermok and his troop would leave the hill caves they inhabited to engage in a collective hunt, consuming their prey either at the site of the catch or back within their caves. During the day, the males of the troop would move to the summit of the Spire, relaxing there and descending only in the mid-afternoon to drink from a nearby water source.
During the veermok's reign as alpha male, Wilhuff Tarkin, a young human whose family possessed the plateau, including the veermok's territory, observed his troop. As a male member of the Tarkin lineage, Wilhuff was assigned to spend extended periods surviving on the plateau. His ultimate test involved spending an entire day on the Spike. Recognizing that the veermoks posed the primary obstacle to his survival, Tarkin sought to understand how to outmaneuver them, eventually naming the dominant male Lord. The human observed Lord regularly facing challenges from other males, yet consistently emerging victorious, sometimes killing his opponents but often allowing them to remain within the pack.

While Tarkin observed, a younger male veermok, Shadow, with his own group of followers, often maintained a respectful distance from Lord, seeking to learn from the dominant male. Lord would occasionally tolerate Shadow and his followers, who would retreat at even a glance from the dominant male, and sometimes chase them away. In preparation for his day on the Spike, Tarkin attempted to gain the favor of Shadow and his followers, who typically drove him away if he entered their territory, and he strategically placed a series of pit traps along his escape route. Then, on the day of his attempt, Tarkin ascended to the summit of the Spike while the veermoks were asleep in their caves. When the other male veermok arrived and discovered Tarkin beyond their reach, as they were unable to climb the Spire, they became agitated and hopped around restlessly, awaiting Lord's arrival.
Upon the dominant male's arrival, he barked loudly at Tarkin, but before he could take further action, Shadow's followers initiated attempts to ascend the Spike, with some feigning attempts while others scrambled as high as they could. Lord attempted to regain control over the younger males by striking at them, drawing blood from several. Shadow then issued a call, prompting his followers to turn and attack Lord, who was initially taken aback by the deception but began to defend himself, eliminating three of the males before succumbing to the onslaught and dying. Following the dominant's demise, Shadow assumed leadership, but was almost immediately killed by Tarkin, who launched a vibro-lance into the new leader's chest. In the wake of the loss of two leaders in quick succession, the remaining veermoks ceased challenging Tarkin and allowed him to escape from the Spire upon his descent. Tarkin would later recount the tale of himself, Shadow, and Lord to the Sith Lord Darth Vader while the pair hunted for a rebel cell that had stolen Tarkin's ship, the Carrion Spike.
Lord was a substantial veermok, characterized by dark stripes and numerous scars acquired by the time of Tarkin's observations. When other males challenged his dominance, he engaged in combat to train the younger individuals, recognizing that he would eventually relinquish his position to one of them for the benefit of the troop. Upon initially discovering Tarkin atop the Spike, he fixed his gaze upon him with fury and what the human perceived as hatred for causing disruption so early in the day. The dominant veermok then erupted into a rage when Shadow's followers initiated their attack, becoming desperate to restore order. When the other veermok turned against him, he was initially too shocked to react; in Tarkin's view, it appeared that the veermok struggled to comprehend the violation of some form of etiquette or code of behavior.
Lord was initially referenced in the 2014 novel Tarkin authored by James Luceno.