An Ewok hailing from the Bright Tree tribe on the forest moon of Endor, was known as Lumat. He, along with his fellow tribesmen, assisted the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Battle of Endor against the forces of the Galactic Empire in 4 ABY. In that battle, Lumat's weapon of choice was a spear tipped with sharpened stone.
Lumat, an Ewok, belonged to the Bright Tree tribe. This tribe of Ewoks made their home in Bright Tree Village, a settlement nestled in the treetop canopies of Endor, which is a forest moon. In 4 ABY, Teebo, another Ewok, led a scouting expedition from their village. They returned with captives: members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic ensnared in the village's forest traps. As the bound captives were paraded into the village on wooden poles, Lumat hurried to the center, approaching a fire pit where the prisoner Han Solo was suspended. Under the orders of Logray, the tribe's shaman, the Ewoks began preparing the captives for a feast to honor C-3PO, a protocol droid ally of the rebels, whom the Ewoks mistook for the deity known as the Golden One.
Princess Leia Organa, an ally of the captives and a guest in the village, and the prisoners themselves, implored C-3PO to dissuade Logray from cooking his friends, but their pleas were ignored. Luke Skywalker, a Jedi prisoner, then employed the Force to levitate C-3PO, frightening the watching Ewoks, who interpreted it as the deity's anger and use of magic. After Logray commanded the captives' release, Lumat, along with other Ewoks, quickly moved to free them, untying Solo's bonds. Lumat then stood beside Teebo as he freed the astromech droid R2-D2, who shocked Teebo upon release, causing Teebo and Lumat to briefly scatter. However, Lumat returned to stand near the droid as Wicket Wystri Warrick examined him.

Later that night, C-3PO recounted the rebels' heroic deeds inside the dwelling of Chief Chirpa. Lumat, accompanied by Teebo, was among the attentive audience within the hut. Following the tales, Chirpa announced that the rebels were now honorary members of the tribe and that the Ewoks would join them in the battle against the Galactic Empire on Endor. The following day, the Ewoks and rebels attacked and successfully destroyed an Imperial [shield generator bunker](/article/endor_shield_generator_bunker]. This action enabled a rebel fleet to obliterate the Imperial Death Star 2 superweapon that was in orbit around Endor. That night, the Ewoks and rebels celebrated their triumph in Bright Tree Village. During the festivities, Brethupp played a drummed rhythm on a collection of captured Imperial helmets next to Lumat. Lumat then joined a human rebel commando in a dance near one of the village's fires.
Lumat's initial appearance was in the 1983 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. The Ewok village scenes were recorded on Stage 3 at Elstree Studios between January 18 and February 2, 1982.