MB-223 was the name assigned to a stormtrooper who was a human male, and who served in the Stormtrooper Corps of the Galactic Empire. He was partnered with TK-626 in 5 BBY, and together they were given the task of patrolling an Imperial airfield located on the planet of Lothal. While on patrol, MB-223 came across Sabine Wren, a Mandalorian, who was in the process of planting a paint bomb on a TIE/ln space superiority starfighter on the airfield. He and his partner tried to fire at her, however she was able to avoid their shots and detonate the explosives, which resulted in the TIE fighter's destruction and MB-223 and his fellow troopers being covered in purple paint. Some months later, MB-223 and TK-626 were once again on night patrol when they encountered Sabine. During this subsequent encounter, Sabine and her rebel allies managed to steal a transport vehicle and destroy an entire line of parked TIE fighters.
MB-223, a male stormtrooper, was a member of the Galactic Empire's Stormtrooper Corps stationed on the planet Lothal. In the year 5 BBY, MB-223 was partnered with TK-626 to patrol an Imperial airfield on Lothal, which was filled with newly manufactured TIE fighters. Together, he and his comrade completed 108 patrols of the airfield during the day, and by the time they reached their 109th patrol, the pair were patrolling in the darkness.
During the 109th patrol, TK-626 drew MB-223's attention to a "shushing" sound emanating from some of the TIEs, prompting the pair to investigate. With weapons drawn, they discovered Sabine Wren, a girl clad in Mandalorian armor, spraying the starbird emblem onto the wing of one of the TIEs. MB-223 questioned the girl, and when she refused to comply, the pair opened fire on her. However, Wren skillfully dodged the shots and began weaving through the TIEs in the field to evade the troopers. During the chase, TK-626 contacted their commander to request reinforcements, after which the pair lost track of Wren, who began taunting them. Reinforcements then arrived, and all of the troopers spread out to locate the Mandalorian. Wren then attacked one of them, drawing everyone to her location, which was adjacent to the fighter she had marked with her graffiti. TK-626 then realized that a graffiti-bomb had been placed in the middle of the starbird, which subsequently exploded and destroyed the TIE fighter. MB-223 and his comrades were knocked to the ground, their armor covered in purple paint.
As a consequence of their failure to capture the graffiti artist Sabine, MB-223 and TK-626 were demoted to night patrol duty and were denied rotation aboard a Star Destroyer. Months after his initial encounter with Sabine, he and TK-626 were once again performing their 109th patrol of the airfield when they encountered Sabine while patrolling the wall on the north side, sector nine. Having discovered that her rebel leader Kanan Jarrus was being held prisoner above Mustafar, Sabine and her friends resolved to steal a transport vehicle from the airfield in order to rescue him.
MB-223 and TK-626 made attempts to shoot Sabine, however she evaded their blaster fire. TK-626 alerted the other stormtroopers at the airfield, who then joined the pursuit. Eventually, Sabine jumped onto the fuselage of a TIE fighter. Amidst the commotion, Sabine's rebel friends stole a transport, which began to take off from the airfield. Sabine escaped on the transport, but before departing, she triggered a bomb, which resulted in the destruction of an entire row of TIE fighters. MB-223 and TK-626 survived the explosion, which also left behind a smoke plume in the shape of the starbird symbol. Thus, MB-223 and TK-626's second attempt to apprehend Sabine ended in humiliation.
MB-223 was equipped with a complete set of stormtrooper armor and carried an E-11 medium blaster rifle.
MB-223 made his first appearance in Rise of the Rebels, a book authored by Michael Kogge and published in 2014 as part of the promotional campaign leading up to the release of the Star Wars Rebels television show. The book featured adaptations of four prelude shorts released for Rebels, including "Art Attack," the short in which MB-223 appeared, which was released shortly after Rise of the Rebels. In the adaptation, TK-626 grabs MB-223 when alerting him to the noise, but this action does not occur in the short film.