Mich Matt was a male Ishi Tib who fulfilled the role of a technician on the planet of Coruscant, specifically at its central power generator. An attempt was made by the Galactic Empire to recruit him from his current employment. Matt declined this offer, as he wished to remain with his family; however, the Empire forcibly conscripted him to labor on a secret project. Some time elapsed before Matt, along with his fellow technicians, found himself a prisoner held aboard Freighter 2716, until Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger, Saw Gerrera, and Chopper carried out a rescue operation. Following their liberation by the rebels, Matt and the other former prisoners chose to enlist in the Rebel Alliance, reasoning that if the Empire valued their skills enough to imprison them, joining the rebellion would be a worthwhile course of action.

During the Imperial Era, Mich Matt's occupation was that of a technician at the central power generator located on Coruscant, a position he held to provide for his family. Around 1 BBY, the Galactic Empire contacted him, attempting to persuade him to contribute to a secret project. Matt refused, not wanting to be separated from his family. The Empire then resorted to abducting him, transporting him aboard Freighter 2716 along with numerous other technicians specializing in power and reactors from various species. Matt and his fellow captives were confined to restricted hold 17, under the guard of stormtroopers. The freighter was also transporting a substantial kyber crystal.
While en route to the Tonnis sector, Saw Gerrera, the leader of the Partisans, along with the Spectres Sabine Wren, Ezra Bridger, and Chopper, infiltrated the freighter and successfully freed Matt and the other prisoners. Matt informed his rescuers that he had overheard the stormtroopers discussing the Jedha system. Prompted by Ezra and Sabine, Saw consented to allow Chopper to guide the prisoners to the escape pods. However, the death trooper commander DT-F16 alerted Wells, the freighter's captain, to the presence of the rebels. In response, Wells jettisoned the escape pods, preventing the technicians from achieving escape.

After Saw created instability within the kyber crystal located in the engine room, Chopper was able to guide Matt and the rest of the technicians to an Imperial shuttle situated in hold 12. Following Chopper's neutralization of the two stormtrooper sentries, Matt and the others boarded the shuttle. Before DT-F16 and her remaining troopers could intercept them, Ezra and Sabine arrived and successfully repelled them. The group then made their escape aboard the shuttle, just before the kyber crystal detonated, resulting in the destruction of both Freighter 2716 and Slavin's Star Destroyer. After being saved by Hera Syndulla, the Spectres' leader, Matt relayed a message on behalf of the technicians, stating their decision to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic as an expression of gratitude to their rescuers.
Mich Matt was a male Ishi Tib characterized by yellow eyes and green skin. His profession was that of a technician, employed at Coruscant's central power generator. He held a deep concern for his family, leading him to decline an offer from the Empire to work on a secret project. After being kidnapped by the Empire and subsequently freed by the rebels, Matt, along with his fellow former prisoners, chose to join the Rebel Alliance as a token of their appreciation to those who liberated them.
The voice of Mich Matt was provided by David Shaughnessy, who also lent his voice to Cumberlayne Aresko and Myles Grint in Star Wars Rebels. His name is a reference to Matt Michnovetz, a writer who contributed to episodes of both Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels. His portfolio includes "In the Name of the Rebellion," which is the sole episode featuring Mich Matt.