In the year 4 ABY, a rescue operation was launched by the Freemakers with the objective of extracting Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca, who were Rebel Alliance operatives. Their initial encounter involved an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser, under the command of Durpin and Plumestriker, which resulted in the Freemakers' capture. However, they successfully broke free, aided by Roger, and managed to pilfer the cruiser's fuel intermixer before making their escape aboard the StarScavenger. Subsequently, they met up with Lando and Chewbacca, escorting them back to the rebel command ship, Home One.
Having previously stolen and destroyed the Kyber Saber, the Freemakers aligned themselves with the Rebel Alliance, taking on roles as a repair crew. After a period of service, the Freemakers volunteered to assist Admiral Ackbar, their benefactor, in the extraction of rebel agents Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca. These agents were stranded due to the Millennium Falcon's need for a fuel intermixer.
The StarScavenger, carrying the Freemakers, journeyed to the system where Lando and Chewbacca were marooned, only to be intercepted by an Imperial Gozanti-class cruiser. A stormtrooper boarding party, led by Imperial officers Durpin and Plumestriker, boarded the StarScavenger. The Freemakers attempted to deceive the Imperials by feigning infection with the Gamorrean flu. While Durpin fell for the ruse, Plumestriker recognized the deception and ordered the arrest of the rebels and the seizure of their cargo.
The Freemakers found themselves incarcerated within the Gozanti cruiser's brig. Once inside, they initiated the next phase of their plan. Rowan utilized the Force to retrieve and reassemble the B1-series battle droid from its container. Roger then incapacitated the two stormtrooper guards with a swift kick from one of his legs, freeing the other Freemakers. Before escaping aboard their ship, Rowan employed his lightsaber to create an opening in the ship's hull, allowing them to steal the crucial fuel intermixer. Distracted by the fear of contracting Gamorrean flu, Durpin and Plumestriker were unable to prevent the Freemakers' successful escape.
Following their reunion with Lando and Chewbacca, the Freemakers provided them with the fuel intermixer. Subsequently, they all returned to the rebel flagship Home One aboard their respective starships. Lando expressed his gratitude to the Freemakers for their assistance, marking their second encounter, and to Admiral Ackbar for enlisting their services. Although the Freemakers were pleased, their celebration was cut short when Roger revealed that he had inadvertently left one of his legs behind on the Gozanti cruiser.
The rescue of Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca is the central plot of the short film "Beware, the Gamorrean Flu!," launched on the LEGO Star Wars website on May 4, 2017 as promotion for LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures Season Two.