Mocoa was a brown and frothy drink, sometimes prepared with ice. This chilled mocoa gave the drinker a boost of energy and it was typically enjoyed in the morning. Princess Leia Organa and her Apprentice Legislature pathfinding students consumed mocoa at their chalet on Alderaan in 3 BBY. In 19 ABY, the pilot Poe Dameron received an iced mocoa while inside a cantina located on the planet of Kijimi.

In 3 BBY, Princess [Leia Organa](/article/leia_skywalker_organa_solo] of Alderaan and her Apprentice Legislature pathfinding class went on a hike in the mountains of Alderaan, a planet in the Core Worlds. Upon their return to their chalet, Organa and her classmates were given large mugs filled with mocoa. Months later, Organa fondly remembered her times with her friend and colleague Kier Domadi, including when he had brought her a mocoa.
One week following the desertion of the Spice Runners of Kijimi by pilot Poe Dameron in 19 ABY, he went to a cantina on Kijimi, a Mid Rim planet. At the cantina's counter, a bartender gave him an iced mocoa. Dameron was thankful that the drunk and rowdy patrons of the establishment were too inebriated to notice him having a morning drink, since he would need its energy for the coming night.
Mocoa was first seen in Leia, Princess of Alderaan, a young-adult novel by Claudia Gray from 2017, which was part of the Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi publishing project. The drink was first shown visually in Leia Organa: Ordeal of the Princess, the 2019 webcomic adaptation of the novel, drawn by Haruichi and published by Line Corporation in Japan.