Nambi Ghima was an Aki-Aki woman living on the world of Pasaana. During the Festival of the Ancestors, Ghima presented Rey with a necklace. For this festival, she was adorned in robes that were dyed blue using daswoad.

In 35 ABY, during the Festival of the Ancestors that year, Ghima was present on the desert planet of Pasaana. When Rey, along with fellow Resistance members Finn, Poe Dameron, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and BB-8, arrived on Pasaana in order to find Ochi of Bestoon, the Jedi hunter who possessed the clue to locating a Sith wayfinder, Ghima came up to Rey and greeted her in her own language, with C-3PO providing translation. Ghima then gifted Rey with a husk necklace and inquired about her name. Rey responded by stating her name was "Rey." The aspiring Jedi was then asked by Ghima what her last name was, but Rey responded that she didn't have one. Later, during a Force bond connection with Kylo Ren, he seized the necklace Ghima had given to her and used it to pinpoint the location of her Resistance comrades on Pasaana.
Nambi Ghima made her debut appearance in the 2019 movie Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. Kiran Shah played her, while Debra Wilson provided her voice. Wilson stated that she was given the freedom to invent her own "Gibberish" language for the role.