"Nash's Race Day" marks the initial segment of the second episode within the animated series Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures. It became available on Disney+ on May 4, 2023, preceded by an advance viewing on April 8, 2023, during Celebration Europe.
The episode begins with Nash Durango and RJ-83 toiling on a sailing skiff named the Crimson Bolt. Durango expresses her ambition to secure victory in this year's Kublop Classic. Lys Solay mirrors her excitement, looking forward to competing alongside other children across the rivers of Kublop Springs. Durango says this is one of her favorite traditions. Kai Brightstar, who was occupied with the tower, describes Durango as the most skilled pilot. Nubs starts dancing with excitement but tumbles from the deck onto the dock.
He falls near Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna, who greets the younglings with a wave. Master Zanna commends them on their craftsmanship. Brightstar explains that Durango conceived the skiff's design, while he and his fellow younglings handled its construction. Durango expresses gratitude to Master Zia for lending her younglings, noting that she has never had a team sail in the Classic with her before. Upon Durango's command, Nubs releases the sail, but it plummets into the river. Nubs attempts to use the Force to raise the sail but struggles until Brightstar supports him with his powers.
The group is then encountered by Raena Zess, with whom Durango has a strained relationship. Solay reminds everyone that Durango had previously mentioned Zess's past victories against her in earlier races. Zess shows off her brand new sailing skiff, which her uncle bought for her. Several racing droids operate the skiff. Undeterred, Durango retorts that she will emerge victorious with the aid of her Jedi crew. Following Zess's departure, Master Zanna reminds Durango and the Jedi Initiates that Jedi should use their abilities to assist others, not to win races.
Brightstar and Zanna both agree that it wouldn't be fair if the Jedi younglings used their Force abilities to get an edge during the race. Zanna assures them that their collective effort will be more than sufficient to secure a win. She praises Durango as a highly gifted pilot. Brightstar pledges that he and his companions will remain by her side and provide all the help they can to ensure her victory. Meanwhile, Zess gives her droids "high fives."
Hap, the race organizer, instructs the contestants to assume their positions. Durango delegates tasks to her crew: Brightstar is assigned to manage engine control and brakes, Nubs is responsible for handling the sail, Solay is tasked with spotting obstacles from the tower, and RJ-83 serves as the co-pilot. Durango waves to her mother in the crowd, but Zess obstructs her view, smirking at her. RJ-83 and one of Zess's droids exchange insults in Binary until Durango intervenes.
At Hap's signal, the skiffs surge into the rivers. Following Durango's guidance, Brightstar accelerates the engines as Nubs adjusts the sail. The skiffs successfully navigate a sharp bend, but a skiff operated by a green-skinned humanoid crashes into a tree, rendering it inoperable. Brightstar praises Durango. As the race proceeds, Zess's ship emits steam, blinding the other racers. A skiff piloted by several dark-skinned human girls becomes trapped between two rocks.
Durango complains that Zess is resorting to cheating. She opts for a shortcut, briefly traveling overland before re-entering the river. They pursue Zess and her skiff down a waterfall. Determined to prevent Durango and her Jedi companions from winning, Zess activates her skiff's illegal turbo-boosters. Solay notices a waterfall, but Durango assures her that the Crimson Bolt is equipped to handle it. She instructs Nubs to prepare the sails upon her signal and Kai to provide additional speed. She directs RJ to deploy the flaps.
Through teamwork, they navigate the waterfall, running closely alongside Zess. However, Zess accelerates her skiff's engines, pulling ahead. As they near the waterfall's base, Durango instructs Nubs to release the sail. Nevertheless, the force of their descent proves too much for the Crimson Bolt, causing it to crash on the muddy riverbanks. Zess's skiff also crashes on the mud. After the crash, Durango initially blames Zess for distracting her but then realizes that Zess is stuck.
Still focused on winning the race, Durango and her crew attempt to dislodge their skiff from the mud. However, the skiff is too heavy. Durango asks her Jedi friends if they could use their Force powers. Brightstar remembers Master Zia's warning against using the Force to cheat. He suggests they find another solution. Durango admits her anxiety about Zess's repeated victories and boasts about being the best racer in town. Durango starts to question her abilities, but Brightstar reminds her that they survived a waterfall in a skiff of her design. He assures her that she is the best pilot in the Outer Rim Territories due to her piloting skills, not the Force. RJ-83 and the younglings embrace her.
Meanwhile, a frustrated Zess scolds her droids as they struggle to free their skiff from the mud. Durango approaches Zess, proposing a joint effort to free their skiffs. Zess inquires if her Jedi friends can utilize their Force powers. Nubs and Brightstar respond that such action would constitute cheating. Zess realizes that the Jedi younglings were not using their Force powers. She says she decided to cheat because she thought that Durango's team were cheating and admits she was wrong. Extending a gesture of goodwill to Zess, Durango suggests connecting Zess's ship to the Fire Bolt's tow cable while working together to free both their skiffs.
Zess accepts their offer of assistance. Brightstar attaches the Firebolt's tow cable to the front of Zess's skiff. By working together, the two teams manage to free their skiffs from the muddy banks and pull them into the river. Resuming the race, Zess proposes that the first skiff to navigate the geyser field will be declared the winner. Durango accepts her challenge but cautions her against cheating. The two skiffs then speed through the geyser field, which represents the final stretch of the race.
Zess manages to gain the lead, but Durango remains determined to secure victory. She instructs Solay to locate a geyser that is about to erupt. Solay identifies a large one and steers the ship toward it, despite Brightstar's concerns. The geyser propels the skiff into the air. After soaring over Zess's skiff, they land back in the water and cross the finish line, winning the race. Hap announces that Team Crimson Bolt has emerged victorious. Durango and her friends are overjoyed. Zess conceals her disappointment but smiles and shakes hands with Durango. Durango tells her that she is a great racer when she is not cheating. Zess promises to defeat her next time, without resorting to any tricks.
Hap presents Team Fire Bolt with a trophy. Durango's mother and a second lady are also present and congratulate their daughter. Master Zanna commends Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs for their fair play and sportsmanship. The Jedi younglings celebrate Durango and lift her into the air.