Oggdos were carnivorous species that were naturally found on the planet of Bogano. As apex predators, Oggdos employed their sticky tongues as a method of attacking prey. Due to their thick hide, which was resistant to lightsabers, they were dangerous opponents in close quarters. The Oggdo Bogdo was a subspecies of this creature. During his quest in 14 BBY to find the ancient Zeffonian Vault on Bogano, the Jedi Padawan known as Cal Kestis faced and battled several oggdos. They had a carnivorous diet.
Oggdos were carnivorous creatures, a non-sentient species whose natural habitat was the planet Bogano. Their physical form included four legs and an appearance that suggested they were amphibian. Their bodies were covered in thick hide, resistant to lightsabers, and topped with spikes. Above their large mouths, which were filled with rows of sharp, jagged teeth, were three bright green eyes. They possessed a prehensile, purple tongue that could extend up to eight meters, which they used to capture and quickly consume small prey, or to pull larger prey closer for chewing.
As formidable alpha predators in Bogano's ecosystem, Oggdos primarily consumed bog rats. When their prey was at a distance, they would use their long, prehensile tongues or leap towards them to get closer.
In 14 BBY, Cal Kestis, a Jedi Padawan, encountered several oggdos on Bogano while on his journey to the mysterious Vault constructed by the ancient Zeffonian civilization. The Haxion Brood also held an oggdo captive and forced it to fight Kestis in their arena located on Ordo Eris. Later, in 9 BBY, Kestis also confronted the Spawn of Oggdo on Koboh, which was rumored to be descended from the original Oggdo Bogdo from Bogano.
Oggdos made their debut in the 2019 video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which was developed by Respawn Entertainment. Within the game, they serve as enemies that players can encounter on Bogano. The initial encounters with oggdos were intentionally designed to be difficult to win. Early encounters included other creatures and easy escapes, which was the design team's way of teaching players that avoiding combat was a valid and sometimes optimal strategy. Jean-Francois Rey was the artist responsible for the oggdo concept art.