The Oovo Four detention center existed on the moon designated Oovo 4, which functioned as a [prison](/article/prison]. During the Imperial Era when the Galactic Empire ruled, the inmates incarcerated there were secured using unique durasteel restraints. These restraints were produced by prisoners on the Delrian Prison Planet. Governor Arihnda Pryce was informed by a receptionist in her Coruscant office that Juahir Madras, an old friend, had sent approximately twenty messages from the detention center over the course of the preceding year.
Timothy Zahn mentioned the Oovo Four detention center in his 2017 canonically recognized novel, Thrawn. The detention center's initial appearance was in the Star Wars Legends continuity as Desolation Alley, featured in Star Wars: Episode I Racer, a video game developed by LucasArts and released in 1999.