
Pampy, a Rutian Twi'lek, faithfully assisted Senator Orn Free Taa representing the Galactic Republic within its Senate body as his dedicated aide. During the events of 32 BBY, Pampy was present inside the Senate Building when Queen Padmé Amidala hailing from the planet Naboo formally requested a Vote of No Confidence targeting Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum.

By 22 BBY, Pampy continued to serve Taa, working alongside Supi, another aide of Taa, engaging in a heated rivalry. The pair went along with the senator and his colleagues from the Loyalist Committee to a session in the office of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine amidst the Separatist Crisis.


Senatorial aide

Pampy served as aide to Senator Orn Free Taa.

As an aide to Senator Orn Free Taa, the notoriously corrupt representative of the Twi'lek homeworld Ryloth within the Senate of the Galactic Republic, Pampy was a Rutian Twi'lek. In 32 BBY, Pampy accompanied Taa to Coruscant, the Republic's capital, and attended a Senate session where Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo sought intervention regarding the invasion of her planet by Trade Federation forces.

Within the main chamber of the Senate Building, Pampy occupied a repulsorpod with Taa and another Twi'lek aide as the Trade Federation voiced objections to the queen's claims and requested a committee to investigate. Subsequently, when Amidala called for a Vote of No Confidence against Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum due to his inaction, Pampy promptly stood alongside Taa and other senators amidst the ensuing uproar. Pampy then leaned in to overhear a comment from the other Twi'lek aide before Vice Chair Mas Amedda restored order.

Loyalist Committee

Pampy visited Palpatine's office with the Loyalist Committee.

A decade later, in 22 BBY, Pampy remained Taa's aide, during his membership in the Loyalist Committee amid the Separatist Crisis, when many star systems began to secede. Alongside Supi, another Twi'lek aide of Taa, she accompanied the senator and other committee members, including Amidala and Senator Bail Organa, to a meeting with Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine and Amedda in the chancellor's office on Coruscant.

After Palpatine's assistant Dar Wac announced their arrival, the Chancellor welcomed Pampy and the others into his office as he concluded a meeting with the Jedi High Council. Before the committee could begin, Jedi Grand Master Yoda offered condolences to Amidala regarding the recent [attempt](/article/plot_to_assassinate_senator_amidala] on her life, prompting Palpatine to request increased Jedi security for her. The Jedi agreed to assign Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi for her protection and then departed, allowing the committee to take their seats.

Personality and traits

Pampy was a loyal aide to Taa, but she was in constant competition with Supi for the senator's attention, even though Taa preferred red-skinned Twi'lek female companions. Pampy had cerulean skin and blue eyes.


Pampy wore a silver dress and a silver headpiece with a blue gem when in the Senate and during the meeting with Palpatine.

Behind the scenes

Pampy replaced Orn Free Taa's human aides, as seen in the theatrical cut of The Phantom Menace.

Pampy's debut occurred in the DVD release of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the 1999 prequel trilogy film, portrayed by Amy Allen. The character, along with another Twi'lek aide, replaced two human aides, played by Trisha Biggar and Iain McCaig, who were in the theatrical version of the Senate scene. During the filming of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones in 2002, the actors portraying Pampy and Supi wore mitts between scenes to prevent smudging their makeup.

Within current Star Wars canon, Pampy was identified in the 2017 reference book titled Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia. Her name originated in Star Wars Legends, where the character was initially named Pampy in the 2001 novel Cloak of Deception authored by James Luceno.

