Purple kings' crown

Purple kings' crown was a shrub species, characterized as non-sentient, that was indigenous to the planet of Onderon. It flourished in the scrublands of the highlands, as well as in mountains and forests. Its structure was comprised of a purple crown of leaves situated atop a foundation of brown roots; it was sufficiently robust to support the weight of an adult [human](/article/human]. The tee-muss species consumed this plant as a food source.

During the Onderonian Civil War, which took place in the year 20 BBY, the purple kings' crown was present in the forests surrounding Iziz, the capital city of Onderon. It also grew near Saw Gerrera's camp, the base of operations for the resistance movement. Lux Bonteri, a member of the resistance, was once seen sitting on a purple kings' crown adjacent to the camp, while Steela Gerrera, his comrade, tended to a training wound he had incurred. Furthermore, the shrub was found in the mountain region where the nest, the insurgent stronghold, was constructed.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of the purple kings' crown was in "A War on Two Fronts," the second episode of the fifth season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, which was originally broadcast on October 6, 2012. Subsequently, the plant was featured in the next three episodes of the show. However, it was not formally identified by name until the publication of Star Wars: The Visual Encyclopedia, a reference work authored by Adam Bray, Tricia Barr, and Cole Horton, which was released on April 4, 2017.

