Rogues Gallery (Star Wars Gamer)

Rogues Gallery was a recurring segment featured in the magazine, Star Wars Gamer. In several editions, there were approximately fourteen character illustrations that could be implemented as character portraits within the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. Each edition followed a specific theme and showcased the work of a different artist.

Star Wars Gamer 2: Pilots

by Vinod Rams

  • A male member of the Human species
  • A male Wookiee
  • A male Mon Calamari
  • A male member of the Human species
  • A male Sullustan
  • A female Omwati
  • A male Rodian
  • A male Twi'lek
  • A female member of the Human species
  • A male Trandoshan
  • A male Gungan
  • A female member of the Human species
  • A male Cerean
  • A male member of the Human species

Star Wars Gamer 3: Droids and the People Who Love Them

by Joe Corroney

  • An 8D8 unit
  • A Cerean that is also a cyborg
  • An R2 series astromech unit
  • A female member of the Human species
  • An Ishi Tib individual
  • A Mon Calamari individual
  • A Pit droid unit
  • Two 3-PO units
  • A pilot of a starfighter
  • A droid from the Death Star
  • A Rodian individual
  • A Trandoshan individual
  • A Twi'lek individual
  • A Wookiee individual

Star Wars Gamer 4: Tree-Huggers

by Dan Veesenmeyer

  • A Twi'lek of the female gender
  • A male Gungan
  • A male member of the Human species
  • A male Wookiee
  • A male Ewok
  • A male Cerean
  • A male Sullustan
  • A male Gran
  • A male Aqualish
  • A male member of the Human species
  • A male Rodian
  • A female member of the Human species
  • A male Duros
  • A male Mon Calamari

Star Wars Gamer 5: Dark Siders

by Ramón Perez

Star Wars Gamer 6: Bounty hunters

by Mike Vilardi

  • A male member of the Human species
  • A droid designed for childcare
  • A Houk individual
  • A male member of the Human species
  • Identity is unknown
  • A Kerestian of the female sex
  • Identity is unknown
  • A male member of the Human species
  • A Defel individual
  • A male member of the Human species
  • A female member of the Human species
  • Identity is unknown
  • An Esoomian of the male sex
  • A female member of the Human species

Star Wars Gamer 7: Fringers

A human fringer

by Jim Mahfood:

Star Wars Gamer 8: Yuuzhan Vong


by Jeffery Carlisle (Some identified on Carlisle's website):

Star Wars Gamer 9: Pilots for Hire

Troig pilot

by Scott Roller:

  • An alien of unknown species
  • A Human of the female sex
  • A Duros of the male sex
  • A Human of the male sex
  • A Rodian of the male sex
  • A Human of the male sex
  • A Human of the female sex
  • An Ithorian individual
  • A Human of the male sex
  • A Mon Calamari individual
  • A Trandoshan of the male sex
  • A Twi'lek of the female sex
  • A Troig male

Star Wars Gamer 10: City Slickers

Sy Myrthian

by Kyle Stanley Hunter:
