Around the year 3978 BBY, the Sith Empire's leader, the Sith Emperor, dispatched an emissary to the planet Mandalore with a specific objective: to locate the remains of Dramath the Second, a Sith Lord who was an enemy of the Emperor and master of the emissary. The emissary's mission involved persuading Mandalore the Ultimate, the leader of the Mandalorian warriors, to assist in this endeavor. Following Mandalore's successful retrieval of Dramath's remains from the isolated planet of Rekkiad, the emissary revealed to Mandalore a vision purportedly foreseen by his master, depicting the Mandalorians rising up and defeating the Galactic Republic. This information served as a manipulative tactic, leveraging the Force, to incite Mandalore into initiating an invasion of the Republic.
In approximately 3978 BBY, the Sith Emperor, who commanded the Sith Empire, selected a Sith Lord to serve as his emissary to Mandalore the Ultimate, the current Mandalore and leader of the Mandalorian warriors. The Emperor also instructed the emissary to seek out the remains of his adversary, Dramath the Second. The emissary journeyed to the planet Mandalore, the homeworld of the Mandalorians, where he successfully convinced Mandalore to aid in the search for Dramath's remains.
The quest took the Sith emissary and Mandalore to the distant world of Rekkiad, where they discovered that Dramath the Second's tomb was located inside the First Spear of the Twin Spears, a pair of ice formations that stretched several kilometers into the sky. Within the tomb, they unearthed Dramath's sarcophagus, containing his remains and a datacron he had created.
The Sith emissary returned the remains to his master. In return for Mandalore's assistance in locating the remains, the emissary shared a vision his master allegedly had, foretelling the Mandalorians rising up and defeating the Galactic Republic. While recounting this tale, he subtly cast a spell upon Mandalore, manipulating him into launching an invasion of the Republic to gauge its strength. Two years later, the Mandalorians commenced their invasion of the Republic.
In 3963 BBY, the Jedi Knight Revan entered the war after uncovering the horrors of the Battle of Cathar, shifting the momentum in favor of the Republic. Three years later, Revan secured victory in the war at the Battle of Malachor V. In 3954 BBY, Revan revealed to Canderous Ordo, a Mandalorian mercenary who later became the new Mandalore, the true origins of the Mandalorian Wars.
The search for Dramath the Second's remains was initially referenced in Drew Karpyshyn's 2011 novel, The Old Republic: Revan.