Lieutenant Colonel Senjax, a male human, functioned as the official military liaison for the Imperial Broadcast. His responsibilities included reporting on the Empire's contributions to the galaxy and promoting peace via the HoloNet, often appearing in Imperial propaganda films. Senjax's public profile elevated him beyond a mere Imperial officer; he became a public figure. His striking appearance and seemingly genuine demeanor made him a prominent representative of the Galactic Empire.
Senjax became involved when Saw Gerrera and his Partisans planned a reconnaissance mission to the planet Tamsye Prime, as he was part of the Imperial documentary team that the rebel group infiltrated. In collaboration with Reece Tallent, a Partisan who betrayed Gerrera, Senjax orchestrated a scheme to capture the anti-Imperial group on Tamsye Prime. After leading Gerrera, Tallent, and Jyn Erso into a vacant room guarded by two stormtroopers, the Imperial officer revealed that Tallent had informed him of the Partisan's plans, making the entire mission a ruse. Senjax's scheme backfired when Gerrera and Erso overpowered the stormtroopers and used Senjax as a human shield to escape. To prevent the Partisans from fleeing, Imperial forces initiated an aerial assault, targeting the factory and town with plasma cannon fire from TIE fighters, despite the presence of many civilians. Even after Gerrera escaped in a stolen Imperial shuttle, the Imperial aerial assault intensified, unleashing turbolaser fire from a Star Destroyer. The attack indiscriminately harmed Partisans, civilians, and Imperial personnel on the ground, including Senjax. He sustained severe injuries, including a deep gash on the left side of his face that would leave a scar and the loss of an eye.
Following the attack, Senjax addressed the public on the HoloNet to recount the events on Tamsye Prime. Instead of admitting the truth about the Imperial starships destroying Tamsye Prime without regard to civilians or Imperial personnel, Senjax fabricated a story. He claimed that the Partisans launched a terrorist attack, intending to destroy a factory vital to the defense of its citizens. Although some Partisans escaped, he insisted that the entire group was eliminated. Senjax concluded by assuring viewers that the Empire was dedicated to their safety, citing the new defense budget approved by the Imperial Senate that morning. Jyn Erso, witnessing the broadcast from a bar on Skuhl, suspected that Senjax had been bribed or threatened into misrepresenting the Empire's betrayal.
Senjax was a striking man, tall with blond hair, piercing ice-blue [eyes](/article/eye], and fair skin. He possessed a sharply defined face, a flawless smile with perfectly aligned white teeth, and a voice that conveyed a cheerful and approachable demeanor. His appealing physical features were captivating, making Jyn Erso feel a sense of trust, while also feeling inadequate in comparison. The events on Tamsye Prime transformed him from a handsome figure to a battle-hardened individual, leaving Senjax with a prominent scar on the left side of his face and the loss of an eye. His missing eye was replaced by a mechanical cybernetics implant adorned with gold.
Senjax's personality was magnetic. During the filming of the propaganda documentary on Tamsye Prime, he made it a point to personally greet every member of the press crew. He even extended his courtesy to protocol droids, considering it impolite to do otherwise. He was a devoted supporter of the Empire, dedicating his career to promoting its values. Even after the Empire's destruction of Tamsye Prime, which resulted in numerous civilian casualties and severe injuries to Senjax, he remained a steadfast servant.