Sha Dun

A Kel Dor by the name of Sha Dun attained the rank of admiral within the Imperial Navy. This occurred during the Second Imperial Civil War—the uprising against the Sith-dominated Empire that was spearheaded by Emperor-in-exile Roan Fel. In the year 137 ABY, Galactic Emperor Darth Krayt appointed Dun as the leader of the Imperial Outer Rim Third Fleet. This fleet's mission was to eradicate the combined fragments of the Galactic Alliance' military, and to capture the commander of the Alliance's Core Fleet, who was Admiral Gar Stazi. Despite achieving several minor successes, Dun was unable to prevent Stazi's ongoing attacks. Darth Azard, a Sith Lord who was in charge of overseeing the fleet, executed Dun as a consequence of this failure.


Darth Azard chokes Dun with the Force.

During the insurgency of Emperor-in-exile Roan Fel against the Sith-controlled Empire, Sha Dun a Kel Dor, held the rank of Admiral in the Imperial Navy. Galactic Emperor Darth Krayt, who was also a Dark Lord of the Sith, placed Dun in command of the Imperial Outer Rim Third Fleet, which was supervised by Sith Lord Darth Azard, a Quarren. In the year 137 ABY, the Outer Rim Third Fleet was assigned the task of capturing Admiral Gar Stazi, the fugitive commander of the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet, as well as destroying the unified remnants of the Alliance military, known as the Galactic Alliance Remnant.

Despite achieving multiple minor victories, Dun was unsuccessful in halting the attacks led by Gar Stazi. On the command deck of the Pellaeon-class Star Destroyer called the Relentless, Lord Azard executed Dun for his failure. He did this by lifting and choking the Kel Dor using the Force, and then cutting him down with his double-bladed lightsaber.

Azard then replaced Dun with Admiral Dru Valan, who was Humanocentric and had previously encountered Stazi during the Battle of Caamas, which was the last major engagement between the new Galactic Empire and the Galactic Alliance during the Sith–Imperial War seven years earlier. The Sith cautioned Valan against underestimating Stazi and failing in the same manner as Dun.

Personality and traits

Darth Krayt chose Sha Dun, a capable military leader, to command the Imperial Outer Rim Third Fleet against the skilled Admiral Gar Stazi. Although he couldn't defeat Stazi, Dun managed to secure several minor wins and even destroyed some of Stazi's ships. Dun possessed white eyes and skin with an orange hue.


Due to their vulnerability to carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and [oxygen](/article/oxygen-legends], which are lethal to their species, Kel Dors like Dun were required to wear an antiox breath mask for protection.

Behind the scenes

Sha Dun made an appearance in the twentieth issue of the Star Wars: Legacy comic series, titled Indomitable, Part 1, which was released in February of 2008. The issue was penned by John Ostrander and illustrated by Omar Francia.

