The ShaShore-class frigate represented a capital ship within the New Republic Defense Fleet during the conflict known as the Yuuzhan Vong War, and it continued its service in the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet for over a century afterward. Renowned for its speed and flexibility, the ShaShore-class saw considerable action throughout the Sith–Imperial War and the ensuing operations. A significant number of these frigates were integrated into Admiral Gar Stazi's Galactic Alliance Remnant fleet.

Mirroring the design of its larger counterpart, the Scythe-class battle cruiser, the ShaShore-class incorporated a prominent, blade-shaped structure positioned centrally on the ship's ventral bow section. Typically, the ShaShore was armed with several turbolaser batteries, point-defense cannons, and a pair of proton torpedo launchers. Its port and starboard hangar bays could accommodate up to twenty-four CF9 Crossfire starfighters along with two Crix-class shuttles.
The ShaShore-class frigate was engineered to prioritize enhanced speed and agility, which came at the expense of reduced armor protection. A smaller blade located directly ahead of the main blade was intended to house various specialized modules, including rapid-fire concussion missile launchers, an advanced sensor array, or communication jamming equipment. ShaShore frigates were often deployed as escorts for Scythe-class battle cruisers. During the Battle of Dac, at least four ShaShore-class frigates, along with several Sabertooth-class assault ships, served as escorts for the flagship Indomitable, commanded by Admiral Stazi.

A predecessor design to the ShaShore-class saw service within the Alliance Fleet in the initial stages of the Galactic Civil War. An earlier iteration of the ShaShore-class was deployed during the Yuuzhan Vong War and participated in the Battle of Shramar.
Subsequently, the ShaShore-class frigate was incorporated into a larger initiative involving Galactic Alliance warships manufactured at the Mon Calamari Shipyards in the decades following the defeat of the Yuuzhan Vong. In contrast to larger, purpose-built designs like the Scythe-class battle cruiser and the Tri-Scythe-class frigate, the ShaShore-class could be adapted to fulfill a variety of secondary roles. Numerous ShaShore-class frigates engaged in combat at the Battle of Caamas, with at least one being destroyed by intense Imperial fire. Following the establishment of the Galactic Alliance Remnant, the remaining ShaShore-class frigates continued to see extensive service, functioning both as warships and as diplomatic couriers.
One ShaShore transported Admiral Gar Stazi to the Wheel to engage in negotiations with Captain Mingo Bovark of the Imperial faction, which was loyal to Emperor Roan Fel. In the months after the failed negotiations on the Wheel, several of these frigates were part of a task force under Admiral Stazi that successfully captured the Advanced Star Destroyer prototype Imperious during the Battle of Dac. This significant victory provided the Alliance with a much-needed boost to morale, along with a cutting-edge capital ship prototype.
Later, in 137 ABY, a large number of ShaShore-class frigates participated in a joint operation between GA and Fel loyalist forces against Sith naval units.

In its initial appearance, the frigate was mistakenly identified as a Sabertooth, which is actually the designation of another Galactic Alliance vessel.
Before the publication of the Legacy Era Campaign Guide, there was no officially confirmed class name for the ShaShore frigate.
While creating the cover art for Dark Horse Comics Star Wars (2013) 11, the artist Sean Cooke incorporated a detail showing an older, ShaShore-like ship as a component of the Rebel Alliance fleet.