Shore police

The shore police served as a division within the New Republic Defense Fleet. They were identifiable by their military uniforms and the holstered blasters they carried. In the time of the Cold War, Poe Dameron, a New Republic starfighter pilot, was apprehended on Mirrin Prime by two shore police members: a short-horned male Devaronian and a human female. This arrest stemmed from his participation in an unauthorized skirmish against First Order forces within the OR-Kappa-2722 system. Major Caluan Ematt accompanied these officers, subsequently escorting Dameron and BB-8 to a meeting with General Leia Organa. It was Leia who orchestrated Poe's integration, along with the rest of Rapier Squadron, into the Resistance, a privately funded military organization combating the First Order outside the official structure of the New Republic's armed forces.

