Silver Talons

The Silver Talons represented the second tier of adornment for the prestigious Kalidor Crescent. This award, the highest honor granted by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, was exclusively bestowed by either the Alliance Chief of State or the Supreme Commander of the Alliance Armed Forces in recognition of unparalleled acts of bravery and valor against overwhelming odds. To qualify for this second embellishment, a living member of the military was required to have demonstrated a third instance of such exceptional conduct, be nominated by a superior officer or a representative from the Alliance Civil Government, and must have previously received the Bronze Cluster for their Kalidor Crescent.

This specific embellishment took the form of a set of finely polished silver talons, designed to complement the overall appearance of a kalidor in flight. A Kalidor is an avian predator species native to the Core Worlds planet of Davnar II. Preceding this was the Bronze Cluster, with subsequent embellishments including the Silver Scimitar, Golden Wings, and Diamond Eyes.

Behind the scenes

Within current Star Wars canon, the Silver Talons adornment is referenced in the 2016 Lead by Example sourcebook, a roleplaying game supplement produced by Fantasy Flight Games. The embellishment initially appeared within the Star Wars Legends continuity. Its debut occurred concurrently in both Star Wars: X-Wing, a computer game developed by Totally Games and released in 1993 through LucasArts, and The Farlander Papers, a companion book authored by Rusel DeMaria that was included with the game's Limited Edition.


  • Lead by Example (First mentioned)

Notes and references
