Skine sector

The Skine sector represented a sector in space. It shared borders with the Merel, Lol, and Samix sectors. The Nihil marauder group established the Occlusion Zone in 230 BBY; this region of space was located in the Outer Rim's Frontier, beyond the Stormwall which blocked hyperspace travel. Subsequently, the Skine sector became one of the sectors bordering the territory of the Galactic Republic, with several of its adjacent sectors isolated behind the Stormwall.

Behind the scenes

Within current Star Wars canon, the Skine sector initially appeared on a map featured in the first issue of the 2023 comic book series Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures. Daniel José Older wrote the issue, Harvey Tolibao and Nick Brokenshire provided the illustrations, and Dark Horse Comics published it on December 6, 2023, as part of Phase III of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.

The Skine sector was originally introduced in the Star Wars Legends continuity. Its initial mention occurred in Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments from the Rim, a 1993 sourcebook for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, authored by Simon Smith and Eric S. Trautmann. The sector was fully visualized for the first time through an on-screen depiction of its Skynara system in The Clone Wars: Act on Instinct, a webcomic written by Pablo Hidalgo and released on during the 2009–2010 second season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television show.

