Stingfly (Chiss light cruiser)

The Stingfly was a light cruiser serving within the Expansionary Defense Fleet of the Chiss Ascendancy. This vessel possessed a hyperdrive, engines, and a range of weapons intended for combat situations. It participated as a component of Admiral Ar'alani's Picket Force Six in 19 BBY, where it played a role in the defeat of General Yiv representing the Nikardun Destiny power from the Unknown Regions at the Vak Combine planet of Primea. Subsequently, a year later, this light cruiser also fought as part of Senior Captain Thrawn's fleet above the planet "Sunrise" during the last stand of the senior captain against the forces commanded by the Grysk operative called "Jixtus."


The Stingfly was a light cruiser that incorporated a hyperdrive and engines, while its hull was constructed from nyix-alloy. This light cruiser also featured electrostatic barriers to protect its hull, and was armed with spectrum lasers, plasma spheres, and breachers.


The Stingfly served in Picket Force Six, which was commanded by Admiral Ar'alani (pictured).

Within the Chiss Ascendancy's Expansionary Defense Fleet, the Chiss light cruiser Stingfly operated as part of Admiral Ar'alani's Picket Force Six. This warship shared its designation with the stingfly, a creature that the Chiss species knew. In 19 BBY, General Yiv of the Nikardun Destiny from the Unknown Regions conquered several nations surrounding the Ascendancy, intending to eventually conquer the Ascendancy itself. As a member of Picket Force Six, the Stingfly fought in the battle over Primea, where Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo, whose core name was "Thrawn," had set a trap for Yiv on the Vak Combine planet of Primea located in the Unknown Regions. During the battle, Ar'alani issued orders for the light cruiser to assist the Chiss heavy cruiser Grayshrike and the light cruiser Whisperbird in attacking one of the incoming Nikardun Battle Dreadnoughts, ultimately leading to a Chiss victory over the Nikardun Destiny.

In 18 BBY, following Ar'alani's invitation, the Stingfly joined a Chiss fleet under Thrawn's command in a battle against a fleet of Grysk warships led by the Grysk operative "Jixtus" during Senior Captain Thrawn's last stand above the Unknown Regions planet nicknamed "Sunrise." The Stingfly supported Ar'alani's command ship, the Nightdragon man-of-war Vigilant, in its assault on Jixtus' flagship, the Grysk Shatter-class WarMaster FateSpinner.

As the Vigilant and FateSpinner exchanged laser fire, the Chiss attempted to flank the WarMaster using an asteroid missile platform. The Grysk swiftly eliminated the platform, which revealed the Stingfly's breacher missiles that had been concealed within the asteroid's visual shadow. These breachers struck the FateSpinner, inflicting damage on the vessel's hull and thrusters. Subsequently, the Stingfly directed laser fire at the WarMaster's compromised areas, inflicting significant damage to the Grysk warship. In the end, the Chiss annihilated Jixtus's fleet after receiving assistance from several nations in the Unknown Regions, like the Garwian Unity, the Kilji Illumine, the Paccian Governance, and the Vak Combine.

Commanders and crew

During the battle involving the Grysk ships, the Stingfly was under the command of a Chiss commander.

Behind the scenes

The Stingfly made its initial appearance in Timothy Zahn's 2020 novel, Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, which served as the first book in Star Wars: The Ascendancy Trilogy.

