Tarados Gon

A Klatooinian who possessed Force-sensitivity, Tarados Gon distinguished himself as a Jedi Knight within the ranks of the Jedi Order. During the events of 22 BBY, Gon participated in the assault team spearheaded by Jedi Master Mace Windu. Their mission led them to the planet of Geonosis, with the objective of liberating Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi from execution at the hands of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Within the Petranaki Arena, the Jedi engaged the Separatist forces in combat, suffering significant losses. Gon, along with the remaining Jedi, faced encirclement. Upon their refusal to yield to the Separatist Count Dooku, salvation arrived in the form of an army of clone troopers commanded by Grand Master Yoda. This intervention shifted the tide of battle, resulting in the Separatists' defeat.


Geonosis strike team

Tarados Gon fought in the Geonosis arena.

As a Klatooinian within the Jedi Order, Tarados Gon dedicated his service to the protection of the Galactic Republic. By the year of 22 BBY, Gon had achieved the rank of Jedi Knight and was selected as a member of an assault team. This team, composed of 212 Jedi and led by Jedi Master Mace Windu, embarked on a mission to the planet Geonosis with the purpose of rescuing Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Kenobi had been taken prisoner by the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a coalition of political entities and corporations seeking to separate from the Republic. He was scheduled for execution within the Geonosian Petranaki Arena alongside his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Padmé Amidala, both of whom had been captured during their attempt to rescue Kenobi.

The Battle of Geonosis

Tarados Gon (far right) was amongst the final surviving Jedi in the arena on Geonosis.

While the three prisoners struggled to survive, Gon and his fellow Jedi infiltrated the arena. Their presence was revealed when Windu confronted Separatist leader Count Dooku. Subsequently, the Jedi engaged an army of battle droids deployed within the arena, with Gon actively participating in the combat on the arena floor.

The Jedi suffered substantial losses, leading to a situation where Gon and the majority of the remaining survivors found themselves encircled at the arena's center. Dooku commanded his droids to cease fire and acknowledged the Jedi's efforts, before extending an offer of surrender.

Last stand

The arrival of the clone army saved the Jedi on Geonosis.

Windu rejected the proposition, prompting Dooku to issue the order for the execution of Gon and the other Jedi. However, before the battle droids could commence firing, Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry gunships descended upon the arena, carrying an army of clone troopers under the command of Jedi Grand Master Yoda.

As the droids initiated their attack, the gunships established a perimeter around the surviving Jedi to facilitate their rescue. The Jedi then boarded the ships, which departed the arena and transported them to join the broader conflict outside. The arrival of the clones proved decisive, shifting the battle in favor of the Jedi and the Republic, ultimately leading to the defeat of the Separatist forces and their retreat from Geonosis. This battle signaled the commencement of the galaxy-spanning Clone Wars.


During the year 3 ABY, Luke Skywalker, an aspiring Jedi, engaged Darth Vader, the Sith persona of Anakin Skywalker, in a duel on Cloud City located on the planet Bespin. During the lightsaber duel, Skywalker employed a Force jump to evade a carbon-freezing chamber set as a trap by Vader. His jump mirrored the height and speed once exhibited by Gon. Gon received mention in an artist's journal, which underwent restoration, expansion, and display at the Graf Archive at a point in time no earlier than 34 ABY.

Personality and traits

Tarados Gon, characterized by his Force-sensitivity, was a Klatooinian distinguished by his brown complexion.

Powers and abilities

Gon was recognized as a proficient and skilled practitioner of the Force jump power, enabling him to execute jumps with exceptional speed and achieve remarkable heights.


Gon was attired in a light-brown tunic paired with dark-brown pants and wielded a lightsaber emitting a blue blade.

Behind the scenes

Tarados Gon and Saesee Tiin shake hands in a deleted scene.

Tarados Gon made his initial appearance in the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones from the prequel trilogy, portrayed by an actor who remained uncredited. The character's name was officially established within the new Star Wars canon through the 2018 reference publication, Star Wars: Alien Archive.

The scenes depicting the Jedi battle within the Geonosis Arena were captured on Stage 3 at Fox Studios, Sydney, between August 10 and August 15, 2000. An unreleased and incomplete alternate version of the Battle of Geonosis showcases a scenario where a group of Jedi boards a Droid Control Ship during the arena conflict. In this version, Tarados Gon is seen exchanging a handshake with Saesee Tiin within the circle of surviving Jedi, seemingly after successfully deactivating the attacking droids. However, the droids subsequently reactivate, once again encircling the Jedi.

While Gon's lightsaber is predominantly depicted as blue throughout Attack of the Clones, it is mistakenly portrayed as green during the scene where Mace Windu refuses to surrender to Count Dooku, as well as in a brief shot when the Low Altitude Assault Transports land to extract the Jedi strike team. The character's name originated within the Star Wars Legends continuity, initially appearing in the 2003 reference book Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones, authored by Curtis Saxton and Simon Beecroft.

