The Marvel Comics Illustrated Version of Star Wars is a trade paperback belonging to the Legends continuity. This volume presents a black-and-white, reduced-size reprint of the first half-dozen issues of the Marvel comic book series titled Star Wars. The adaptation from George Lucas's screenplay for the movie Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope was done by Roy Thomas and Howard Chaykin.
Additionally, it features an introductory piece authored by Stan Lee, alongside a collection of pin-up illustrations created by Chaykin together with Ernie Chan. Del Rey released The Marvel Comics Illustrated Version of Star Wars in November of 1977.
In the vast expanses of a galaxy held captive by wickedness…
Rushing headlong through hyper-space [sic] to defeat the sinister forces of oppression…
Soaring through the cosmos on a quest of vengeance and honor, comes
a valiant young Rebel committed to restoring justice to the universe and liberating the beautiful Princess Leia from the clutches of the deadly Imperial forces!
Embark with him, along with the courageous Han Solo, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Artoo Detoo, See Threepio, and Chewbacca, on the greatest space fantasy adventure imaginable!
- ISBN 034527492X ; November 1977 ; Del Rey ; US paperback [1]