"Tipping Points" represents the fifth installment within the fifth season of the animated television program, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Its initial broadcast occurred on October 27 of 2012.
To get ready for the impending confrontation, Ahsoka Tano and Lux Bonteri stealthily enter the capital city. Once there, Ahsoka places a holographic communications device in a central location within the market square. Through this device, the former ruler, Ramsis Dendup, directly addresses the populace, exposing Sanjay Rash and the Separatist's fabrications concerning his alleged role as the originator of a "terrorist movement". This was done to strengthen their control over Onderon. He also convinces the people that the rebels are genuine patriots dedicated to their liberation. This oration ignites the populace's animosity towards the droid occupation forces, with unfortunate consequences for three battle droids who were unfortunate enough to be present during the speech. This occurrence rapidly ignites a widespread revolt among Iziz's inhabitants against Rash's governance. Kalani, in an effort to salvage their authority, proposes eliminating both the rebels and Dendup in a single action, aiming to cripple the rebellion. Consequently, he dispatches a squadron comprising four droid gunships and a sizable droid contingent to the rebels' hidden base.
Ahsoka and Lux make their way back to the newly established rebel encampment situated in the Onderon highlands. Here, they find that General Akenathen Tandin and loyal elements of the Onderon military have already joined the cause. During a debate regarding a decisive assault on the occupying forces, Steela successfully vetoes her brother Saw's hasty plan to engage them directly in Iziz. Instead, she suggests luring them into the highlands to reduce the risk to civilians. Impressed by Steela's commitment and prudence, Dendup bestows upon her the command of all forces for the impending battle, immediately promoting her to the rank of general. Before departing to execute their strategy, Steela seizes the moment to give Lux a passionate kiss, "just in case."
As the droid army arrives, the Onderon rebels and military are prepared. They initially manage to inflict substantial casualties on the ground and armored units. However, the gunships then launch their assault, and their formidable weaponry and ray shields compel the rebels to fall back. Ahsoka establishes communication with Obi-Wan and Anakin, informing them of the dramatic shift in the situation. Despite this, Obi-Wan remains hesitant to permit the Republic to openly intervene on behalf of the Ondorians. Frustrated by this decision, Anakin devises an alternative approach: discreetly dispatching a third party to Onderon to assist the rebels in their predicament. The first individual that comes to his mind is the pirate Hondo Ohnaka.
Subsequently, Anakin journeys to Ohnaka's stronghold on Florrum with the intention of enlisting his services for an illicit delivery of heavy weaponry to the rebels. Following a period of lighthearted yet pointed banter, Ohnaka consents to the arrangement and provides the rebels with a supply of shoulder-fired rocket launchers, subsequently making a subtle withdrawal as a squad of commando droids materializes within the rebel camp. After dealing with the droids, Steela, Ahsoka, and Lux acquire the launchers and distribute a portion of them to their fellow fighters. Saw then utilizes one to bring down one of the gunships, eliciting cheers from the rebels. Shortly thereafter, Steela receives notification that a droid gunship and two BX commandos are mounting an assault on the hideout with the aim of capturing Dendup.
Steela, Ahsoka, and Lux arrive just in the nick of time to shield the king from the droids. On the adjacent battlefield, Saw successfully destroys the remaining enemy gunship, but the damaged craft veers uncontrollably, crashing directly into the rebel camp. Steela finds herself trapped on a section of rock, dislodged by the droid's impact, teetering on the brink of a cliff. As she attempts to leap to safety, she ends up dangling from the cliff's edge. Lux rushes to her aid, but nearly falls himself. Ahsoka employs the Force to levitate him to safety. However, as she attempts to do the same for Steela, the still-functioning gunship strikes her with a laser blast, causing Ahsoka to inadvertently lose her grip, resulting in Steela's fatal fall.
While the rebels mourn the loss of their courageous leader, Steela's sacrifice proves to be significant. The rebellion's growth surpasses any possibility of containment, leading Count Dooku to order the evacuation of the remaining Separatist forces from Onderon. Rash is then summarily executed by Kalani for failing the Sith Lord and the Separatists for the final time. Later, on the steps of the royal palace, a public memorial is held for Steela, honoring her dedication to the fight for freedom. Lux discloses to Ahsoka that Dendup, now reinstated as Onderon's king, has appointed him as the official senator of Onderon, and that he is committed to guiding its people back into the Republic.