A comms jockey, who was a male human, worked for the Galactic Empire on the Executor, which was the flagship of Darth Vader. After the archaeologist gone rogue, known as Doctor Chelli Aphra, managed to overpower Vader inside a kyberite confessional located in the Martyrium of Frozen Tears on Tython, she took control of Vader's suit and used it to transmit an order to the comms jockey. This order resulted in the sabotage of Imperial records related to Project Swarm, which was the operation to find the Rebel Alliance's base. The comms jockey initially resisted carrying out the order, but Aphra coerced him by threatening him through Vader's vocoder. Ultimately, the Empire found out the truth of what occurred, but they could not undo the effects of the sabotage. Thassilio Smeuse, a rebel spy operating undercover within the Empire, learned about the sabotage from a conversation he had with the comms jockey.