Unidentified human child

A young human individual resided on the celestial body Vianax during the age of the High Republic Era. Following a skirmish that occurred in 229 BBY, this individual was part of a group of younglings who observed the Wookiee Jedi Master Kelnacca assisting with reconstruction efforts. The young observers were struck by Kelnacca's presence and discussed him with his Padawan, Yarzion Vell.


The human children was among a group that spoke with Yarzion Vell.

During the High Republic Era, a human youngling made their home on the planet Vianax. In the year 229 BBY, when Vianax was located within the Occlusion Zone region controlled by the Nihil pirates, this human was among a trio of younglings who witnessed the Wookiee Jedi Master Kelnacca employing the Force to aid in the repairs needed after a skirmish with the Nihil on the planet. The human pointed out Kelnacca to an Elomin child; the Elomin commented on Kelnacca's impressive size and strength. Subsequently, the group of younglings approached Yarzion Vell, Kelnacca's Padawan. The Elomin asked Vell if Kelnacca was his teacher, which Vell confirmed. One of the children then exclaimed that they had never seen a Wookiee before, especially not one who could use the Force.

The human then inquired of Vell whether Kelnacca ever spoke, to which Vell replied that he only spoke when necessary. Continuing their line of questioning, the human asked how Vell could discern whether Kelnacca liked him. Vell responded that such considerations were not relevant for Jedi. The Elomin then shifted the conversation, expressing curiosity about Vell's tattoos, and the human inquired about their significance. Although Vell's tattoos were runes spelling the name of his previous Master, Lulad, he lied and said they had no meaning. Seeking to avoid further inquiries, Vell stated that he needed to return to his repair duties. By 133 BBY, as Vell was dying, he mentioned the human child while telling his own Padawan, Ordea, about his training under Kelnacca.

Personality and traits

This human youngling possessed brown eyes, brown hair, and a light complexion. They were greatly impressed by Kelnacca and posed several questions to Yarzion Vell.


The youngling was dressed in a brown shirt, grey pants, and brown boots.

Behind the scenes

This human youngling made an appearance in a flashback sequence within the one-shot comic, The Acolyte - Kelnacca 1. The comic was penned by Cavan Scott, with illustrations by Marika Cresta, and was released by Marvel Comics on September 4, 2024.

