Vianax was a planet-like celestial body. In 229 BBY, Jedi Master Kelnacca and his Padawan, Yarzion Vell, engaged in combat with members of the Nihil pirate group on Vianax, at a time when it was situated within the Occlusion Zone region of space controlled by the Nihil. After this conflict, Kelnacca and Vell performed necessary repairs in a local community. A group of youngsters observed the Jedi at work and were quite impressed by Kelnacca's physical power and his application of the Force. They then approached Vell and engaged him in conversation, asking about both Kelnacca and Vell himself.
Vianax was a terrestrial astronomical object that possessed a Type I atmosphere suitable for respiration by numerous species. Vianax was orbited by a minimum of three moons.

By the time 229 BBY had arrived, Vianax existed as part of the Occlusion Zone belonging to the Nihil pirates, a section of space that was isolated from the broader galaxy by the Stormwall hyperspace barrier. In that year, the Wookiee Jedi Master, Kelnacca, along with his Padawan, Yarzion Vell, engaged in battle against Nihil members on Vianax. During this battle, Vell redirected blaster fire from the Nihil utilizing his lightsaber, while Kelnacca used the Force to jump over several of the marauders, attacking one after landing.
Following the conclusion of the battle, Kelnacca and Vell carried out necessary repairs in a settlement situated on Vianax. A group of children, which included an Elomin and a human, observed the Jedi and were deeply impressed by Kelnacca's physical strength and his application of the Force to move debris. The children approached Vell and spoke with him about Kelnacca, commenting that they had never encountered a Wookiee before and inquiring about his silence, to which Vell responded by explaining that he only spoke when necessary. The children then inquired about Vell's tattoos—which displayed the name of his former Master, Lulad—but Vell avoided answering by telling them he needed to return to his repair work. By 133 BBY, as Vell was near death, he recounted his experiences on Vianax to his own Padawan, Ordea, while discussing his training under Kelnacca.
A settlement featuring grey structures was present on Vianax, where Kelnacca and Vell performed repairs following their conflict with the Nihil.
Vianax was identified and made an appearance in a flashback sequence featured in the one-shot comic book, The Acolyte - Kelnacca 1, authored by Cavan Scott, illustrated by Marika Cresta, and released by Marvel Comics on September 4th, 2024. Prior to the comic's official release, it was initially depicted in an article published on on July 26th of that same year.