Unidentified moisture farmer enslaver

A human slaver ran a vaporator farm on the desert world of Tatooine, employing indentured servants such as Amee, Melee, and Seek. Sometime between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Kitster Banai and Wald, who were longtime acquaintances of the enslaved trio, came to the homestead. The owner was sitting at a table outside with an astromech. The two requested the freedom of their friends, but the owner declined, stating that all workers were essential for the harvest and losing any would ruin the business.

Banai then placed enough credits on the table to buy the freedom of every worker, which the slaver gladly accepted. Banai then used the astromech to disable the workers' control chips and told them they were free to take anything they wanted from the homestead and leave. Banai and Wald then reunited with Amee, Melee, and Seek, and they departed the farm. The slaver's physical description included fair skin, grey hair, and attire consisting of a grey t-shirt under a blue coat, a grey brimmed hat, black footwear, and brown trousers.

Behind the scenes

The slaver made an appearance in the 50th edition of the 2020 graphic novel series Star Wars: Darth Vader. Greg Pak penned the issue, Adam Gorham provided the illustrations of the slaver, and Marvel published it on September 18th, 2024.

