Melee was a human female who, during her childhood, resided in the Mos Espa spaceport on Tatooine, which she considered her homeworld. Back in 32 BBY, she and some other children paid a visit to Anakin Skywalker, a young boy who was enslaved at the time, as he busied himself with the podracer he intended to race in the Boonta Eve Classic. Melee, together with her friends Amee, Wald, and Seek, voiced their skepticism about the vehicle before departing from Skywalker.
Sometime between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Melee found herself enslaved, laboring alongside Seek and Amee on a moisture farm. This lasted until Wald and Kitster Banai, another friend from their younger days, purchased their freedom. The group then gathered around a fire, sharing memories of Skywalker, until a band of thieves confronted them, seeking to pilfer energy capsules from Wald and Banai. When one of the thieves threatened Melee with a blaster, the pair surrendered the capsules. However, the criminals were subsequently slain by Ochi of Bestoon, a Sith assassin, who seized the capsules and departed.

On the planet Tatooine, a human female named Melee came into existence. During her youth, she would often follow the enslaved child Anakin Skywalker. In 32 BBY, she, along with several other children, made their way to see Skywalker in Slave Quarters Row within the Mos Espa spaceport. He was in a courtyard, working on his podracer, and announced his intention to compete in the Boonta Eve Classic podrace the following day.
Melee expressed her doubts about the functionality of Skywalker's podracer, and the other children present shared similar reservations. Seek then suggested that they engage in a ball game, and Melee, along with Wald and Amee, left, leaving only Kitster Banai with Skywalker. Skywalker ultimately emerged victorious in the race and departed Tatooine to become a Jedi. Wald and Banai were later rescued from slavery on Tatooine by Sabé and Tonra, agents from Naboo, who also facilitated their departure from the planet. However, before leaving, Banai pledged to Melee, Amee, and Seek, who remained on Tatooine, that he would return if circumstances allowed.

Between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Melee, along with Amee and Seek, was held in servitude on a moisture farm located on Tatooine. Banai and Wald eventually made their way back to Tatooine and, after selling an energy capsule that they had taken from the Galactic Empire, used the money to pay the owner of the farm in order to liberate all of the enslaved workers there. They then sought out their old friends, who were both surprised and delighted to see them, although Melee expressed her wish that Skywalker could have been there as well.
Later that night, the group gathered around a fire, sharing stories about Skywalker. Banai also recounted his and Wald's encounter with the Sith Lord Darth Vader, who had saved them on three separate occasions. Banai and Wald also revealed their attempts to locate Skywalker after leaving Tatooine, until the Jedi Order was destroyed. However, Melee disputed the possibility of anyone defeating their absent friend and asserted her belief that he was still out there somewhere. Banai suggested that they attempt to find out where, but their conversation was interrupted by a shot in the shoulder from a group of thieves who descended upon Melee and her companions.

The leader of the thieves disclosed that they had killed the vendor to whom Banai and Wald had sold an energy capsule, and had come to claim the rest. When Banai insisted that there were no other capsules, the leader threatened Melee with a blaster, compelling Banai and Wald to reveal the remaining capsules in their possession. The thieves seized the capsules, only to be cut down by Ochi of Bestoon, the Sith assassin dispatched by Vader to reclaim the capsules. The assassin took the capsules, acknowledged Banai and Wald, and then departed without harming them.
When Melee inquired about their mysterious savior, Banai explained that Ochi was in the service of Vader, prompting Melee to once again express her wish that Skywalker could have been there with them. Ochi returned the capsules to Vader and informed him that Banai and the others had possessed them, but that he had spared their lives, questioning whether he should return to eliminate them. Vader, who was actually Melee's childhood friend Anakin Skywalker, now turned to the dark side, instructed the assassin to leave them alone.

Despite her earlier doubts about his podracer's functionality, Melee held the belief that Skywalker was exceptional and pondered how her life might have unfolded differently had he remained on Tatooine to protect her. Even after the downfall of the Jedi Order he had joined, she remained unconvinced that anyone could have defeated him and, therefore, believed that he was still alive at the time she was freed from enslavement, repeatedly wishing that he could have been present with her and her friends. Melee possessed brown eyes, fair skin, and brown hair that she styled into three bunches, both as a child and as an adult.
Megan Udall played Melee in her initial appearance in the 1999 prequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Although her name was not mentioned in the film itself, it was included in the credits. Udall is the daughter of Jeanie Udall, who served as the unit nurse for the film. In the film's script, Melee is not referenced, and Amee delivers her line instead. The scene featuring Melee was filmed in Tunisia.