Wild Wollina's Animal Adventures, located on Hon-Tallos, was a zoo owned by the Patrolian named Wollina. Deva Lompop, a Shani bounty hunter, assisted Wollina in its construction. The zoo's exhibits showcased various creatures, including klako fish, hragscythes, ice gators, massiffs, a nexu, a varactyl, bubble sharks, pontu-sirens, a tauntaun, and a rancor known as Nussi. Sometime between 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Lompop discovered that Wollina had violated their agreement by breeding Nussi, leading her to plan a mission to liberate the rancor. The Genetian Collective syndicate joined Lompop's endeavor, intending to free all the zoo's creatures, using them as a diversion for Nussi's rescue. Upon their arrival at the zoo, along with members of the Starros Clan, the syndicate began emptying the park, starting by releasing a hragscythe. To protect the public, Lompop poisoned the hragscythe, though not fatally. Subsequently, she and Sana Starros infiltrated the rancor breeding areas, successfully freeing Nussi. Wollina appeared to intervene, but as Starros and Nussi made their escape, Lompop confronted the Patrolian and his allies. After Starros reached the exit, she met up with Lompop and two members of the collective. Nussi was placed in a cage, ready to be transported from the zoo. Starros then noticed ships in the sky and inquired about the situation, at which point Lanitra, a member of the collective, arrived on a creature, announcing the liberation of the entire zoo.