Attack of the Training Droids

Official description

The kids must stop droids.

The beacon exercise

During a training exercise at the Jedi Temple on Tenoo, Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs are tasked with removing a Beacon on a Training droid before the time runs out. Jedi Masters Yoda and Zia Zaldor Zanna watch as the Jedi Initiates engage with the training droid, which is able to hold off the younglings. With time running out, Brightstar attempts to create an opening and advances on the droid with his lightsaber. The droid hides behind a trunk obstacle and Brightstar trips.

Zanna informs the younglings that time is up after the beacon rings. Brightstar grumbles about failing to impress Master Yoda. Zanna explains that they almost had it but that he went too quickly. Yoda counsels them about the importance of patience. He faces off against the training droid, which draws four lightsabers and advances on Yoda. Yoda uses his Force powers to fend off the droid's attacks and manages to retrieve the beacon, deactivating the droid.

Brightstar's "bright" idea

Dee arrives and tells Masters Zanna and Yoda it is time to depart. Zanna tasks the younglings with cleaning up the training area before they return. After the adults leave, Brightstar suggests that they could have another training exercise in order to capture the beacon. Solay reminds Brightstar about Zanna's instructions. After seeing the training droids returning to their places, Brightstar comes up with the idea of getting droids to do all the work while they train in the afternoon.

Nubs reminds Brightstar about Zia's orders in Poobian. Brightstar claims they don't have time to train and clean. When Solay points out that these are training droids that are not trained to clean, Brightstar decides to reprogram and retrain the droids to clean. He demonstrates by stacking several bricks into a pile. The three training droids begin stacking away the bricks in the training area.

Rogue droids

However, the droids turn their attention to the rest of the temple. Brightstar realizes that the droids are out of control. The training droids brush past Dee before heading into the canteen and stacking away the children's trays into piles. A brown haired human boy has his tray snatched away. Brightstar and his friends attempt to shut down the droids but they split up. Brightstar and his friends split up and pursue the droids.

One of the droids heads into the dormitories and begins stacking blankets. Nubs catches the droid snatching a blanket from a dark curly-haired human girl. Nubs snatches the blanket and returns it to the girl. The droid snatches the girl's pillow. A tug of way with Nubs ensues and the pillow tears, releasing purple foam. Nubs cries in frustration as the droid stacks the balls of foam.

Inside the canteen, a second droid snatches trays from a Mirialan boy, a dark-skinned girl and brown-haired boy for a second time. Solay chases the droid into the kitchen and is joined by Nubs. The third droid attempts to snatch cloaks from a purple-haired Human buy and a curly-haired human girl. Brightstar tells the droid that the kids are not a mess. The kids retreat inside a closet with the boy telling the girl that something is wrong with that droid. Brightstar corners the droid outside the closet, telling it that they can do it the easy way or the hard way.

Meanwhile, Solay and Nubs find that the two other droids have stacked various library books and files into high stacks. Solay wonders how Brightstar is coping with his droid. The third droid drags Brightstar into the room before joining its comrades in stacking books. Dee is horrified. Brightstar admits that he has lost control of the situation. Solay suggests that they contact Nash Durango for help.

Damage control

Brightstar contacts Durango and RJ-83, who have finished loading some junk for Marlaa Jinara. Brightstar tells Durango about their situation with the training droids. The three younglings follow the droids to the landing field where Durango has parked her starship Crimson Firehawk. The training droids take an interest in the Firehawks junk cargo despite Durango's protests. As they carry out her junk, Solay explains that the droids like to stack. After stacking Durango's junk, they take an interest in Kublop Springs. Solay says that they must stop the droids before they reach the town.

Brightstar blames himself for the situation. Durango trips over a stack of cargo, which draws the droids' attention. With the droids preoccupied, Brightstar and his friends decide to keep the droids distracted by creating more messes. Working together, the children and RJ-83 carry pieces of cargo through the Jedi Temple, taking care to drop them. The droids avoid two other children carrying stacks.

Working together, the five are able to lure the training droids back into the training area and seal the entrances. Solay says they have to power them down. Brightstar comes up with an idea which involves taking out each droid one at a time. While RJ-83 leads a droid on a pursuit, Brightstar ambushes the training droid from behind and switches it off. Nubs hides behind a wooden structure and ambushes a second training droid. He jumps on it and lowers if down. Solay drops blocks around the third droid. While the droid is distracted, Brightstar leaps on top of it. Though the droid manages to shake him off, Solay is able to switch it off from behind. The younglings and RJ-83 celebrate their victory.

Making amends and Yoda's reward

Yoda arrives and remarks about the unexpected mess. While Durango and RJ-83 sneak away, Solay thanks their friends. Brightstar greets Master Yoda. Master Zannah reveals that Dee called and told them what happened. Brightstar apologizes for reprogramming the droids while Solay says that taking the short cut made things worse. Nubs mouths in agreement. Yoda surmises that the children have learnt that it is better to take your time and do things right. Brightstar says they have and and the younglings volunteer to clean the mess up themselves.

Working together, the trio clean up the training area by dusk. Pleased, Yoda invites them to train with him. Brightstar asks if he will show them how to retrieve the beacon. Yoda says he will teach the, to do as he does. After instructing the younglings to wait patiently, he leads an attack and manages to take a beacon off one of the droids. The younglings celebrate while Yoda watches with satisfaction.


  • Young Jedi Adventures: Jedi Training















